
文化产业融合发展动力机制研究——以内蒙古为例 被引量:1

Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of Integrated Development of the Cultural Industry——Taking Inner Mongolia as An Example
摘要 文化产业以其低碳环保、高附加值等产业特性成为当下研究的重点。由于文化自身的渗透性、关联性、融合性,在文化产业与其他产业进行深度融合时提供了一个天然优势。产业融合是传统产业在新形势下培育新动能,实现产业转型升级的新手段、新途径。内蒙古作为中国北疆经贸往来的桥头堡,加强产业动能的培养,加快产业转型升级,是面临现阶段“双循环”新发展格局下的重要举措。故本文以内蒙古文化产业融合动力机制为核心,运用灰色关联分析对文化产业融合中的动力因素进行研究,采用内蒙古2013—2019年数据。研究表明:技术创新、政府政策、市场需求、企业竞争合作、文化要素、相关支持产业是推动内蒙古文化产业融合的动力因素;其中,相关支持产业和技术创新是最重要的动因,政府政策和市场需求对产业融合的影响程度处于第三、第四,而文化要素和企业竞争合作的推动作用最弱。最后,通过总结实证分析的结果提出相应的融合发展路径。 The cultural industry has become the focus of current research because of its industrial characteristics such as low carbon emission,environmental protection and high added value.Due to the permeability,relevance and integration of culture itself,a natural advantage is provided when the cultural industry is deeply integrated with other industries.Industrial integration is a new means for traditional industries to cultivate new driving forces and realize industrial transformation and upgrading against the new backdrop.For Inner Mongolia,the bridgehead of economic and trade exchanges between northern China and foreign countries,cultivating industrial momentum as well as accelerating industrial transformation and upgrading is an important measure in the context of the new development pattern of"dual circulation".Therefore,in this paper,the dynamic mechanism of integration of the cultural industry in Inner Mongolia serves as the core.The dynamic factors of integration of the cultural industry are studied by using grey relational analysis,and relevant data of Inner Mongolia from 2013 to 2019 are adopted.The research shows that technological innovation,government policy,market demand,enterprise competition and cooperation,cultural elements and related supporting industries are the driving factors to promote the integration of cultural industries in Inner Mongolia.Among them,relevant supporting industries and technological innovation are the essential reasons,followed by the influence of government policies and market demand on industrial integration respectively,while the cultural elements as well as enterprises’competition and cooperation play the weakest role in promoting integration.Finally,by summarizing the results of empirical analysis,the corresponding measures on integrated development are advanced.
作者 施曼 文锦达 SHI Man;WEN Jin-da(School of Business, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Hohhot 010070, China)
出处 《财经理论研究》 2021年第5期33-43,共11页 Journal of Finance and Economics Theory
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(18BGL162) 中蒙俄经济走廊研究协同创新中心项目(ZMEY201913)。
关键词 文化产业 产业融合 灰色关联分析 内蒙古 cultural industry industrial integration grey relational analysis Inner Mongolia
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