
数据的权力:应用与规制 被引量:21

Power of Data:Application and Regulation
摘要 大数据时代的到来和人工智能应用场景的不断拓展,使得数据成为重要的战略资源,拥有数据存储和处理技术优势的主体对特定对象的影响力和控制力不断增强,催生出一种新型的权力形态——数据权力。数据权力表象上是一种技术权力,但背后潜藏着资本的力量。技术治理视角下的数据权力,有利于治理需求的精准识别、政策方案的科学制定、行政执行的有效监督和政府绩效的准确评估,是社会监督国家权力运行的有效利器。资本视角下的数据权力,为资本控制社会、重塑资本与国家关系格局提供了可能,全球治理体系也因此面临深刻的变革,资本在数据技术上的优势有演化成数据霸权的可能。为此,在利用数据权力制约和监督政府权力运行的同时,也需要从规范数据的采集和使用、提升政府间和政企间数据开放与共享水平、减轻政府在数据和算法等方面对少数巨型平台企业的技术依赖、构建全球数据治理体系、强化数据跨境流动监管等方面对数据权力进行必要的规制。 With the advent of the era of big data and the continuous expansion of artificial intelligence applications,data has become an important strategic resource.The subject of data storage and processing technology advantages possesses the influence and control of specific objects,thus facilitating the emergence of a new form of power-data power.Data power is ostensibly a kind of technical power,but behind it lies the power of capital.Data power from the perspective of technical governance is an effective instrument for social supervision of the operation of state power,which is conducive to the precise setting of governance needs,the scientific formulation of policy programs,the effective supervision of administrative execution and the accurate evaluation of government performance.The data power under the capital perspective provides the possibility for capital to control society and reshape the pattern of capital-state relations.Nowadays,the global governance system is also facing profound changes,and the advantages of capital in data technology may evolve into data hegemony.Therefore,while using data power to restrict and supervise the operation of government power,it is also necessary to regulate data power from the aspects of regulating data collection and use,improving the level of data opening and sharing between government and government and enterprises,reducing the government’s technical dependence on a few giant platform enterprises in data and algorithms,constructing a global data governance system,and strengthening the supervision of data cross-border flow.
作者 陈鹏 CHEN Peng(School of Law,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu Anhui 241002,China)
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第5期111-119,共9页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSKQ2019D126)。
关键词 数据权力 数据霸权 数据歧视 法律规制 data authority data hegemony data discrimination legal regulation
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