
新时代法学教育新理念新思想新战略 被引量:10

New Concepts,New Thought and New Strategy of the Legal Education in the New Era
摘要 习近平从全面依法治国的战略布局出发,高度重视法学教育改革和全面做好法治人才培养工作,提出要更好发挥法学教育对于法治中国建设的基础性、先导性作用,指出了法学教育的根本任务是培养德法兼修的高素质法治人才,法学教育在性质上是高水平素质教育与高质量职业教育的有机统一,强调法学教育要坚持以马克思主义法学思想和中国特色社会主义法治理论为指导,要统筹国内法治人才与涉外法治人才培养工作,要致力于构建法学院校与政法实务部门合作育人实践育人新格局,形成了原创性、系统性、体现时代特征、具有中国特色的新时代法学教育新理念新思想新战略,成为法学教育改革发展和法治人才培养的指导思想和行动指南,开辟了法学教育发展的新时代。 Starting from the strategic framework of comprehensively promoting the rule of law in China,General Secretary Xi Jinping lays great emphasis on legal education reform and the overall implementation of the cultivation of the rule-of-law talent.He points out the infrastructural and pioneering functions of legal education in the construction of the rule of law in China.He also addresses that the fundamental task of legal education is to cultivate the high-quality rule-of-law talent and the essence of legal education lies in the organic integration of high-level quality education and high-level professional education.General Secretary Xi emphasizes that legal education should be carried out under the guidance of the Marxist's thought of law and the socialist rule-of-law theories with Chinese characteristics.The cultivation of domestic rule-of-law talent and international rule-of-law talent should be taken into consideration simultaneously.The new course that insists the cooperative cultivation and practical education between law schools and practical departments of politics and law should be set.Those viewpoints reflect the originality as a system to reflect time's characteristics,which have formed the new concepts,new thought and new strategy of the legal education in the new era.They have become both the guide to thought and the guide to action to legal education reform and development and to cultivate the rule-of-law talent,which symbolize the new era of legal education development.
作者 杨宗科 Yang Zongke
出处 《法学教育研究》 2021年第1期2-20,共19页 Legal Education Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大研究专项课题“中华优秀传统文化传承发展的立法对策研究”(项目编号:18VHJ009)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 习近平法治思想 新时代法学教育 法治人才培养 德法兼修 高素质法治人才 法学教育新理念新思想新战略 Xi Jinping thought on the rule of law legal education in the new era cultivation of the rule-of-law talent education on both virtue and law high-quality rule-of-law talent new concepts new thought and new strategy of legal education
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