

The People Overseas’Cognition and Evaluation of the Cohesion of the Communist Party of China
摘要 中国共产党自成立以来由小变大、由弱变强,不断发展壮大,团结带领中国人民实现了从站起来到富起来再到强起来的伟大飞跃,在百年奋斗历程中显示出强大的凝聚力。中国共产党的凝聚力令海外学者、媒体和政界人士等为之惊叹,他们从中国共产党的优秀品质、不断推进马克思主义中国化、坚持人民至上、采用适合中国国情的制度等方面探寻这种力量的来源。系统梳理、深入剖析海外人士的研究观点,有利于了解国际社会对中国共产党的看法,有助于拓展学术视野,有益于为国内学界开展中国共产党凝聚力研究提供参考。 Since its establishment,the Communist Party of China has grown from small to large,from weak to strong,and has continued to develop and grow.It has united and led the Chinese people to achieve a great leap from standing up to becoming wealthy and then becoming strong,and it has shown strong cohesion in the course of a hundred years of struggle.The cohesion of the CPC has been amazed by the overseas scholars,media,and politicians.They sought the source of power from the excellent qualities of the CPC,the continuous push of Marxism with the Chinese Characteristics,adhering to the supremacy of the people,and the adoption of system that can be suitable for China’s national conditions and so on.Systematically combing and in-depth analysis of the overseas research views on the cohesion of the CPC will help us understand the viewpoints of the international community on the CPC,and help to expand academic horizons,and provide different ideas and methods for the domestic academia to carry out research on the cohesion of the CPC.
作者 梅长青 Mei Changqing
出处 《当代中国史研究》 CSSCI 2021年第4期20-33,156,共15页 Contemporary China History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“党的领导与依法治国相统一的法理基础研究”(15AKS006)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中国共产党 凝聚力 人民 意识形态 海外 the Communist Party of China cohesion People ideology the overseas
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