

The Exploration of the Years of both Birth and Death and Pedigree of the Famous Scholar Zhou Shuxue in Ming Dynasty
摘要 周述学是明代著名学者,学术界对其生卒年尚无准确说法,对其成长环境亦缺乏研究。在分析前人所拟周述学生卒年基础上,对有关其生卒年的史料进行搜集,发现《后马周氏家谱》中有其生卒年份的直接记载,其密友何继高《云渊先生文选序》有推论其卒年的信息,通过文献互证肯定了家谱的可靠性,从而确认周述学生于公元1513年5月8日,卒于公元1590年12月30日。以此家谱为基础,对周述学的家世进行考察,验证了其传记史料中有关其家世的一些描述,揭示了他与为其数学著作《神道大编历宗算会》作序的周文烛的关系,澄清了已有研究中有关其子孙的一些错误说法,考察了他的学术特别是其易学知识存在的家学渊源,分析了他对仕进的态度与家族环境的关系。 Zhou Shuxue was a famous scholar in Ming Dynasty.There has been no accurate statement about the dates of his birth or death,and no detail documents on background for his growing up.On the basis of analyzing the previous research on the years of birth and death of Zhou Shuxue and collecting the more historical documents about this topic,we made further textual analysis and found that there was direct record about his birth and death dates in the Houma Zhoushi Jiapu(后马周氏家谱,Genealogy of Zhou Family in Houma),and the information of his death year could be inferred in the preface to the Yunyuan Xiansheng Wenxuan(云渊先生文选,Selected Works of Mr.Yunyuan)written by He Jigao,his intimate friend.By mutual corroboration of different historical records,we confirmed the reliability of the genealogy and concluded that Zhou Shuxue was born on May 8,1513 and died on December 30,1590.Based on this family genealogy,we found out the pedigree of Zhou Shuxue and confirmed some descriptions of his pedigree in his biographies known before,which revealed the relationship between him and Zhou Wenzhu who wrote a preface to his mathematical book Shendao Dabian Lizong Suanhui(神道大编历宗算会,Assembly of Mathematical Methods Connected with the Calendar in the Grand Collection of Marvellous Way).The paper clarified some incorrect documents about his descendants in existing literatures,presented the origin of the scholarship inherited from his family,especially the knowledge in the Yi-ology influenced him and pointed out the relationship between his inactive attitude to becoming an official and his family background.
作者 曲兆华 邹大海 QU Zhao-hua;ZOU Da-hai(Institute for the History of Natural Sciences,CAS,Beijing 100190,China;University of China Academy of Science,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第5期447-454,共8页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 中国科学院自然科学史研究所“十四五”规划重点培育资助项目(E1GHXMPY01)。
关键词 周述学 生卒年 家世 《后马周氏家谱》 《神道大编》 明代 Zhou Shuxue years of birth and death pedigree Houma Zhoushi Jiapu Shendao Dabian Ming Dynasty
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