
教育水平之于个体信息贫富差异的影响研究——基于信息源可及性和可获性的比较 被引量:3

Exploring the Information Disparity of Individuals with Different Educational Levels Based on a Comparative Analysis Procedure of Available and Accessible Information Sources
摘要 本研究通过对不同教育水平人群的大规模社会调查,在对个体之于信息源的可及性和可获性进行比较分析的基础上,解析教育程度对于人们信息贫富状况的实质影响。研究发现:首先,随着受教育水平的不断提高,人们把知识型或网络型可及信息源转化为可获信息源的比率明显增大,这表明教育经历之于个体的信息富裕具有有效性;其次,对于信息贫困者而言,实现信息源由可及到可获的转化效率与其教育水平之间无明显关联,这表明信息贫困具有"顽固性";第三,在控制其他影响因素后,教育程度之于信息富裕的"净效应"仅存在于特定教育水平下,且城乡人群之间有所不同,这表明教育水平之于个体信息贫富状况的影响具有局部性。本研究为深入解析教育水平对信息贫困干预的机理提供了经验参照。 Education experience of individuals has been long considered as one of the key factors affecting the information disparity.Since the transformation efficiency of available information sources into accessible informationsources is the bases for the richness of individuals.information world it is possible for us to reveal the micromechanics of information disparityvia comparing individuals.transforming ratio of available information sources into accessible information sources with different educational experience.Aiming to understand the micromechanics of the information disparity among individuals with different educationalexperience present research conducted a large-scale social investigation and explored the essence effect of educational experience of individuals on the information richness based on the comparative analysis of the a vailability and accessibility of information sources.The findings of this research include firstly theratioof people who transform the information sources from available ones to accessible onessuccessfully increased along with their educational level improvement.This means that education levels indeed affect the information richness of individuals.Secondly for those information poor people who are unable to transform the available information sources into accessible ones the efficiency of information utilityis not related to individuals.educational level.This means that information poverty is an independent phenomenon in some instance.Thirdly the pure effect of education level on information richness of in dividuals controlled all other variables beside the education experience only existed in the specific group of sample people instead of all.This means that the effect of education experience of individuals on the information richness is somehow a locality phenomenon.The findings of this research are expected to benefit the information poverty reduction process based on an in-depth un derstanding of the essential roles of individual educational experience on the transformation of i
作者 周文杰 ZHOU Wenjie
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期61-75,共15页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“信息致贫的微观机理与信息减贫的宏观制度关联研究”(编号:71874141)的研究成果之一。
关键词 教育水平 可及信息源 可获信息源 信息贫困 Educational level Available information sources Accessible information sources Information poverty
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