

Study on Calculation Method of Courant Limit in Thermal Hydraulic System Analysis Code
摘要 为分析采取不同Courant条件计算方法对反应堆热工水力系统分析程序计算速度和计算准确性的影响,研究了2种Courant条件计算方法:综合法与分组法,分析了2者的计算原理,并分别采取这2种方法对压水堆满功率稳态工况和大破口事故工况进行计算。结果表明,稳态工况下2种方法的程序计算结果无明显差异;在速度场变化剧烈的大破口事故工况下,综合法可以取得更加准确的计算结果但耗时较多,分组法可以取得更快的计算速度但计算准确性较低。 In order to analyze the influence of different Courant limit calculation methods on the calculation speed and accuracy of reactor thermal hydraulic system analysis code,two kinds of Courant limit calculation methods were studied:synthesis method and grouping method.The calculation principles of the two methods were analyzed,and the two methods were adopted to calculate the steady-state condition and large break loss of coolant accident condition of a PWR respectively.The results show that there is no significant difference between the two methods in steady-state condition;in the case of large break loss of coolant accident with drastic change of velocity field,the synthesis method can obtain more accurate calculation results,but it takes more time,and the grouping method can obtain faster calculation speed,however its calculation accuracy is lower.
作者 李江宽 黄涛 林萌 王旭 陈俊杰 Li Jiangkuan;Huang Tao;Lin Meng;Wang Xu;Chen Junjie(School of nuclear science and engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,200240,China;Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory,Nuclear Power Institute of China,Chengdu,610213,China)
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期63-67,共5页 Nuclear Power Engineering
基金 十三五核能开发科研项目“基于深度学习神经网络人工智能的船用核动力装置故障诊断技术研究”。
关键词 热工水力 系统程序 Courant条件 RELAP5 Thermal hydraulic System code Courant limit RELAP5
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