结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MTB)感染人体后,有两种不同的发病类型,即原发性结核病和原发后(继发性)结核病。本文重点回顾近几年结核病发病学的重要进展,包括以肺泡巨噬细胞、脂质体、泡沫巨噬细胞、肉芽肿等为结构特点的原发性结核病,在结核发病过程中所起到的保护性免疫作用,以及结核空洞等继发性结核病所造成的组织破坏性免疫反应,导致MTB释放、逃离并播散。局部组织MTB抗原持续存在与宿主高致敏淋巴细胞游走,是形成结核免疫独具特色koch现象的基础,决定潜伏性MTB感染向活动性结核病的转化。当前MTB潜伏感染人群很大,因此加强筛查仍是结核病防控的首要措施。
After Mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB) infection occurs in human body, there are 2 different disease entities,namely primary tuberculosis and post-primary(secondary) tuberculosis. In this paper, the important progress in the field of tuberculosis pathogenesis within recent years has been reviewed, including the protective immunity contributed by the primary tuberculosis that is characterized by alveolar macrophage, liposome, foamy macrophage and granuloma in the process of tuberculosis pathogenesis,while the tissue damaging immunological reaction caused by tuberculosis cavity and other secondary tuberculosis, in which MTB is released, escape and disseminated. A prolonged presence of MTB antigen in local tissue and the migration of hypersensitive lymphocyte in host contribute to the Koch Phenomenon, which is specific feature for the formation of tuberculosis immunity, and determine the transformation from latent tuberculosis infection to active tuberculosis. At present, there is a high prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection, thus the reinforced screening is the primary measure for prevention and control of tuberculosis.
WANG Hong-min;LUO Li-min;RAO Gui-rong;YANG Fu-qiang(Central Laboratory,Southern Theater Air Force Hospital of PLA,Guangzhou 510602,China)
Infectious Disease Information