
高亮度半导体激光尾纤模块中光学补偿方法 被引量:1

Optical Compensation Method for Pigtail Module in High-Brightness Laser Diodes
摘要 高亮度、高功率半导体激光尾纤模块中的光束准直是保证高亮度输出的关键因素,光束准直的实现除了需要准直发散角小,还需要极好的光轴指向性,从而保证光束的精密耦合。在半导体激光直接应用中,依靠机械对准保证光轴的指向是有限的,并需要进一步采用光学校正的方法来保证光轴可调。基于光在介质中的折射原理,研究了异形慢轴准直镜对快轴方向激光光轴指向性的校正作用,当慢轴准直镜的倾斜角约为0.23°时,原有的快轴指向偏差约为2.1 mrad,校正后的光轴偏差降低到约290μrad,这使得光纤前的光能够精密对准,极大地提高了耦合进光纤的功率,提高了光纤耦合的效率,从而为高效率,高亮度光纤耦合半导体激光模块的研制提供了新的思路。 Objective The laser diode(LD)coupled with the fiber is an effective and high-quality pump source of fiber and solid lasers.Although this technology is relatively mature,its efficiency,structure,and optical design need to be optimized.The optical alignment and adjustment directly influence the efficiency of the LD module,which has become a restriction in the development of high-efficiency and high-brightness LDs.To improve the efficiency of the LD module,without improving the LD chip itself and electric to optical(e-o)efficiency,reducing the optical loss by the maximum possible extent is a research key.In the optical assembly and adjustment engineering practice,beam collimation has an important impact on LD modules to achieve high brightness,high power,and pigtail output.Furthermore,to ensure smaller divergence,the directivity of the optical axis should also be improved,so as to realize precise beam coupling.In direct LD applications,controlling the direction of the laser beam based only on mechanical alignment is limited by high volume,high cost,and poor stability.Thus,the optical axis should be optically controlled.Methods The pointing error of the fast axis is mainly influenced by the ultraviolet glum solidification technology;however,in practice,we cannot ensure the pointing error accuracy because there exists inherent shrinkage stress when the UV (ultraviolet)glue solidifies.Through an optical method based on the principle of laser refraction propagation in a medium,calibration of fast-axis directivity via a bizarre slow-axis collimation mirror was studied.When light is normally incident upon a medium,the directions of the transmitted light and source light are the same,but at oblique incidence,the directions of the two light beams differ.We employed this basic principle to design a slow-axis collimation mirror with a certain inclination angle according to the relationship,based on Eqs.(1)--(3),between the inclination angle and pointing error of the fast axis to correct the pointing error.Results and Discussi
作者 蒋全伟 张兰平 郭林辉 谭昊 吴华玲 傅波 张妮莎 张凤群 杜维川 武德勇 高松信 Jiang Quanwei;Zhang Lanping;Guo Linhui;Tan Hao;Wu Hualing;Fu Bo;Zhang Nisha;Zhang Fengqun;Du Weichuan;Wu Deyong;Gao Songxin(Institute of Applied Electronics,Chinese Academy of Engineering Phgsics,Miangang,Sichuan 621900,China;Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang,Sichuan,621900)
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期48-54,共7页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(11804322) 装备预先研究项目(41414060102,305040305) JKW创新特区研究课题(193A221011601) 中国工程物理研究院创新发展基金。
关键词 激光光学 高亮度半导体激光 异形慢轴准直镜 快轴指向误差 高效率 laser optics high brightness laser diode bizarre slow axis collimation mirror pointing error of fastaxis high efficiency
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