菊竹清训(Kiyonori Kikutake)是日本当代建筑的启蒙大师,他的建筑充满了危机、挑战与未来。他的幼年生活经历过多次山洪灾害,这直接影响了他今后的建筑设计理念,即注重抬高建筑水平面和推崇海上城市。该文通过揭示他一生所推崇的海上城市设想的产生、演变与发展,并结合日本冲绳海洋博览馆实例来展示海上城市各组成部分与海洋相处的模式及生成过程,对未来探索海洋与城市之间的结合有着重要的指导意义,并以此作为未来构建海上居住城市模式的参考。
Kiyonori Kikutake is a master of Japanese contemporary architecture. His architecture is full of crisis, challenge and future. His childhood life experienced many flash floods, which directly affected his future architectural design philosophy, that is, focusing on raising the level of the building and admiring the maritime city. We reveal the emergence, evolution, and development of the maritime city concept that he admired throughout his life, and combined with the examples of the Okinawa Ocean Expo in Japan we study the pattern and generation process of the various parts of the maritime city and the ocean, and explore the future of the ocean and the city. The combination between the two is of great guiding significance, and it will be used as a reference for the construction of a maritime living city model in the future.
Huazhong Architecture