Actual pharmaceutical wastewater was treatedusing a combined ultrasonic irradiation (US) and iron/cokeinternal electrolysis (Fe/C) technology. A significantsynergetic effect was observed, showing that ultrasonicirradiation dramatically enhanced the chemical oxygendemand (COD) removal efficiencies by internal electrolysis.The effects of primary operating factors on CODremoval were evaluated systematically. Higher ultrasonicfrequency and lower pH values as well as longer reactiontime were favorable to COD removal. The ratio ofbiochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and COD (B/C) ofthe wastewater increased from 0.21 to 0.32 after US-Fe/Ctreatment. An acute biotoxicity assay measuring theinhibition of bioluminescence indicated that the wastewaterwith overall toxicity of 4.3 mg-Zn^(2+)·L^(-1) wasreduced to 0.5 mg-Zn^(2+)·L^(-1) after treatment. Both the rawand the treated wastewater samples were separated andidentified. The types of compounds suggested that theincreased biodegradability and reduced biotoxicityresulted mainly from the destruction of N,N-2 dimethylformamide and aromatic compounds in the pharmaceuticalwastewater.
This study was supported by the Nation Water Pollution Control and Management of Major Special Science and Technology of China(No.2008ZX07314-001-02)
the Key Projects in the National Science&Technology Pillar Program during the“Eleventh Five Year Plan”period(No.2009BAC60B02)
the State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse Foundation(No.PCRRF10013).