The Eternal Loss of Soldiers and People Benefit from Morality collected in the Yinqueshan Han Bamboo Slips(Ⅱ)has the same text with the Chapter of Wang Pei in Yizhoushu.Make a comparison of The Eternal Loss of Soldiers and Wang Pei,it seems that The Eternal Loss of Soldiers is compiled by getting experts from Wang Pei and making some addition and the similar text.People Benefit from Morality is also similar to the chapter of Wang Pei.So they maybe have the same ancestral text.Or maybe to some extent they have the linear relationship.However,due to the complicated procedures,we cannot not make a firm conclusion.Moreover,some sentences and words in the chapter of Twelve Ling in Weiliaozi are similar to the above-mentioned three documents.However,in terms of the overall book,Weiliaozi is not as good as them,but is similar to The Eternal Loss of Soldiers.This reflects the complication and continuity of the compiling course of the military books.
Xiong Yan;Gui Zhenming
Sunzi Studies
Yinqueshan Han Bamboo Slips(Ⅱ)
The Eternal Loss of Soldiers
People Benefit from Morality
Chapter of Wang Pei in Yizhoushu
Chapter of Twelve Ling in Weiliaozi
Same Text