
北京市某城区冬季细颗粒物中多环芳烃的人群健康风险评估 被引量:4

Health risk assessment of PM-bound PAHs in an urban area of Beijing in winter
摘要 目的对北京市某城区冬季不同污染天气过程中细颗粒物(fine particulate matter, PM2.5)中多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)进行人群健康风险评估。方法 2016年冬季采集并分析大气PM2.5样本中10种PAHs浓度。通过毒性等效因子(toxic equivalence factors, TEF)值得到多种PAHs的苯并[a]芘(benzo[a]pyrene, BaP)等效浓度(∑BaPeqi),并评估不同污染天气过程、不同性别人群因吸入PM2.5中PAHs导致的人群终生超额致癌风险和预期寿命损失。结果 2016年12月30日—2017年2月9日,重污染天气过程下10种PAHs的浓度均高于非重污染天气,差异有统计学意义(U=61.5~99.5,P<0.05);PM2.5中PAHs的∑BaPeqi为11.82 ng/m^(3),重污染和非重污染天气下北京市城市成人PAHs的室内外合计EC分别为17.51 ng/m^(3)和4.79 ng/m^(3),因PAHs引起的超额致癌风险分别为1.93×10^(-5)和5.27×10^(-6),预期寿命损失分别为119.73 min和32.75 min。不同污染天气下,男性、女性的超额致癌风险均超过10^(-6),预期寿命损失男性略低于女性。结论不同污染天气情况下的PAHs暴露对人群具有潜在致癌风险。重污染天气过程下引起的超额致癌风险是非重污染的3.6倍。男性超额致癌风险略高于女性,但预期寿命损失低于女性。 Objective To evaluate the health risk of PM2.5-bound PAHs under different polluted days in an urban area of Beijing in winter. Methods The concentrations of PM2.5-bound PAHs were measured in air samples collected in an urban area of Beijing in the winter of 2016.∑BaPeqi of PAHs were obtained based on the toxic equivalence factors(TEF).The lifetime excess cancer risk and life expectancy loss of two gender groups under various polluted situations were evaluated. Results From December 30, 2016 to February 9, 2017, the concentrations of 10 PAHs in heavily polluted days were higher than that of non-heavily polluted days, and the differences were statistically significant(The U values ranged from 61.5 to 99.5,P<0.05).The ∑BaPeqi of PM2.5-bound PAHs were 11.82 ng/m^(3).In heavily polluted days and non-heavily polluted days among adults, the combined indoor and outdoor ECs of PM2.5-bound PAHs were 17.51 and 4.79 ng/m^(3), the ECRs caused by PAHs were 1.93×10^(-5) and 5.27×10^(-6), and LLs were 119.73 and 32.75 minutes, respectively.The ECRs of both men and women were higher than 10^(-6), while the LLs of men were slightly lower than that of women under different polluted weather condition. Conclusions The PAHs exposure under different polluted weather condition is potentially carcinogenic to residents in Beijing urban area.The ECRs in heavily polluted days are 3.6 times of that in non-heavily polluted days.Although the ECRs of PAHs in men are slightly higher than that in women,but the LLs are lower.
作者 李韵谱 刘喆 唐志刚 徐春雨 李娜 常君瑞 王秦 LI Yun-pu;LIU Zhe;TANG Zhi-gang;XU Chun-yu;LI Na;CHANG Jun-rui;WANG Qin(China CDC Key Laboratory of Environment and Population Health,National Institute of Environmental Health,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing,100021,China)
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期98-104,共7页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
基金 公益性行业科研基金资助项目(201502003)。
关键词 多环芳烃 细颗粒物 空气污染 健康风险 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Fine particulate matter Air pollution Health risk
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