Betulin(BE)can be obtained from many plants,such as those belonging Betulaceae family,and pharmacological investigations showed its notable biological properties and good potential for food and pharmaceutical development.We investigated the homogeneity,stability,purity,and uncertainty of a newly certified reference material(CRM)of BE.The certified purity value for the CRM of BE was 99.56%with an extended uncertainty of 0.07%(k=2,P=0.95),as determined by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).In this study,DSC was used for the first time for purity determination of BE.Given its high accuracy,precision,and reproducibility,DSC can be used as an alternative technique for purity determination of CRMs in the pharmaceutical and food industry.
supported by National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2016YFC1000900)
National Science and Technology Major Project of China(Grant Nos.2017ZX09101001003,2018ZX09711001-003-022,2018ZX09711001-010)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(Grant No.81703473)
CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences(Grant No.2017-I2M-3-010).