
长三角地区知识守门人空间演变与作用机制研究 被引量:2

Spatial evolution and mechanism of knowledge gatekeepers in the Yangtze River Delta region
摘要 区域创新有赖于不同知识的流动和组合,而知识守门人对区域间知识流动起到至关重要的作用。论文利用2001—2015年专利合作数据,运用社会网络分析方法研究长三角地区各城市的知识守门人及其贡献率演化特征,进一步构建固定效应负二项回归模型分析知识守门人的作用机制。结果表明:(1)在主体层面,企业在长三角地区知识守门人中数量占比逐年增加,但知识守门人贡献率仍由高校主导;在空间层面,长三角知识守门人较多的城市集中在"沪宁合杭甬"发展带,知识守门人贡献率分布则呈现"核心—边缘"结构。(2)城市外部联系对城市知识更新呈现显著正向影响,且知识守门人对城市知识更新的作用机制存在空间异质性,其中具有专业化知识基础的城市更加依赖以守门人为中介的外部联系。研究结果为区域协同创新提供了"因城而宜"的区域知识更新的政策依据,可更好地推动区域实现以知识溢出为动力的内生增长模式。 Regional innovation depends on the flow and combination of different knowledge.Knowledge gatekeepers spread the acquired external knowledge to the region and play a key role in regional innovation.However,the role of knowledge gatekeepers in different regional contexts remains to be discussed.Based on the patent cooperation data from 2001 to 2015,this study used social network analysis to identify knowledge gatekeepers in the Yangtze River Delta and measure its contribution rate.It then analyzed the spatial variation characteristics of quantity and contribution rate.Furthermore,this study used regression models to explore the importance of gatekeepers in cities with different knowledge bases.The results show that:1)The proportion of enterprises among gatekeepers in the Yangtze River Delta has increased,but the contribution of gatekeepers is still dominated by universities.The openness of colleges and universities enables them to perform their functions as knowledge gatekeepers better than enterprises.Cities with a large number of gatekeepers in the Yangtze River Delta are concentrated in the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hefei-Hangzhou-Ningbo development zone,and the contribution rate of knowledge gatekeepers presents a core-periphery structure.Gatekeepers can promote and restrict the acquisition of external knowledge.Hangzhou and Shanghai,where gatekeeper contribution rate was high at the early stages,increased direct external contacts to improve the efficiency of knowledge absorption and dissemination.Other cities with low gatekeeper contribution rates continue to rely on the role of gatekeepers.2)External linkages of cities have a significant positive impact on the renewal of urban knowledge and the mechanism of knowledge gatekeepers on urban knowledge renewal is spatially heterogeneous.Cities with specialized knowledge bases rely more on external connections through gatekeepers.They need gatekeepers to access,absorb,and use external knowledge.In order to reduce the noise in knowledge flow,cities with diversified knowledge
作者 李语杨 谷人旭 王腾飞 毕学成 LI Yuyang;GU Renxu;WANG Tengfei;BI Xuecheng(School of Urban and Regional Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期925-936,共12页 Progress in Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41971160) 华东师范大学优秀学者培育计划项目(WLKXJ202009)。
关键词 知识守门人 社会网络分析 知识基础 知识更新 长三角地区 knowledge gatekeeper social network analysis knowledge base knowledge renewal Yangtze River Delta
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