
基于现代文献的麻痹性斜视中医用药规律探析 被引量:7

Analysis of the rule of Traditional Chinese Medicine in treating paralytic strabismus based on modern literature
摘要 目的通过梳理中医药治疗麻痹性斜视的现代文献分析其用药规律,探讨麻痹性斜视的病因病机及辨治纲要,为临床规范治疗提供新的思路和方法。方法于中国知网数据库、维普中文科技期刊全文数据库、万方医学期刊数据库检索中医药、中西医结合治疗麻痹性斜视的相关文献,经筛选后使用Excel表格对中药处方信息进行录入,建立中药应用频次数据库,根据中药功效归类统计,对结果进行分析提炼。结果纳入63篇现代文献,共计147味中药,使用频次达1,139次。按中药功效分类,以祛外风类、补气血类、熄内风类、活血化瘀类、利湿浊类、化痰类为主。单味中药总体应用频次前20位的是:当归、僵蚕、川芎、防风、黄芪、甘草、羌活、全蝎、红花、白附子、半夏、桃仁、钩藤、赤芍、白术、胆南星、丹参、茯苓、党参、天麻。结论临床运用中药治疗麻痹性斜视应着重从风、痰、湿、瘀、气虚、血虚六方面证机切入,以祛风化痰、除湿通络、益气养血为纲,结合实际,辨证施治,遣方选药可酌情借鉴高频次中药。 OBJECTIVE To sort out and analyze the medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in the treatment of paralytic strabismus in modern literature, and to explore the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment outline of paralytic strabismus, so as to provide new ideas and methods for clinical standardized treatment of it. METHODS Literature on the treatment of paralytic strabismus with TCM or combined treatment of TCM and Western Medicine were searched through the CNKI, VIP, Wanfang Database. After screening the literatures, the author used Excel to input the frequency of TCM and established the database of TCM, analyzed the results according to the frequency statistics of the efficacy of TCM. RESULTS A total of sixty-three modern literature were included, in which 147 Chinese medicinal herbs which were used for 1,139 times. According to the classification of efficacy, types of Chinese herbal medicines included external wind dispelling medicine, qi-replenishing and blood-nourishing medicine, internal wind extinguishing medicine, blood-activating and stasis-eliminating medicine, dampness-expelling medicine,phlegm-dissipating medicine. In TCM prescriptions, the top twenty of most frequently used herbs were: Angelica Sinensis, Stiff Silkworm, Ligusticum Wallichii, Radix Sileris, Astragalus Membranaceus, Radix Liquiritiae, Notopterygium, Scorpion, Safflower, Rhizoma Typhonii, Pinellia Ternata, Peach kernel, Rhynchophylla, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Atractylodes Macrocephala, Arisaema Cum Bile, Salvia Miltiorrhiza, Poria Cocos, Codonopsis Pilosula, Gastrodia elata. CONCLUSIONS The treatment of paralytic strabismus with TCM should start from six aspects as external wind, internal wind and resolving phlegm, eliminating dampness and freeing the collateral vessels, qi deficiency and blood deficiency. Eliminating wind evil and phlegm, calming liver-wind, removing dampness, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, tonifying qi and nourishing blood were the principles of TCM treatment for paralytic strabismus. In clinic
作者 刘静霞 刘尧 LIU Jingxia;LIU Yao(The First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Harbin 150040,China)
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2021年第3期168-173,共6页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
关键词 麻痹性斜视 中医药 用药规律 文献整理 频次分析 paralytic strabismus Traditional Chinese Medicine medication rule document arrangement frequency analysis
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