
知性的概念史与知性哲学 被引量:2

A Conceptual History and Philosophy of Understanding
摘要 源自当代科学哲学的理解研究已经成为当前知识论的一个主要领域,其重要性甚至已经超越了知识论本身。但在其中并没有受到重视的是知性问题悠久的概念史。近代西方认识论转向后占据百年核心的概念恰恰是知性,它提供了一个经验主义传统和理性主义论争的中心战场。当前的理解研究可以类比于当代知识论而将问题归纳为三个方面:理解与真或事实的关系,理解与辩护的关系,理解与理解主体的关系。如果意图将知性哲学定位于一种更广泛的哲学视角,那么其被忽视的当代心灵哲学的起源应该受到特别的关注,并返回到语言哲学的意义理论,由此,知性哲学也可以自然地拓展到道德理解和实践知性对认知主义和非认知主义的超越、行动激发问题的解决及人生意义问题,同时,两个重建的中西知性论史前传统也表明了知性哲学在思想史上的连贯性和普遍性。 Contemporary studies on understanding originating from philosophy of science has been a main field in the theory of knowledge and its significance even surpass the theory of knowledge itself.However,in such studies,the long history of the concept of understanding has not been paid enough attention to.Whereas the core concept occupied 100-year-length history since modern epistemic turn is"understanding"and it provide a central battlefield btween empiricism and rationalism.Analogous to contemporary studies of theory of knowledge,the studies on understanding can be descripted as three aspects:relations between understanding and truth or fact,between understading and justifiction and between understanding and agent.But if we try to locate such studies on a boraderly philosophical perspective,we should specially highlight the other origin of them which has ignored from philosophy of mind.Back to the theory of sense in linguistic philosophy,philosophy of understanding may naturally be applied into moral philosophy and be hopeful to settle the disputes between judgmental cognitivism and non-cognitivism,between moral realism and antirealism and between motivational internalism and externalism.Meanwihle,two constructed pre-historical traditions(of the concept of understanding respectively in China and in the West)manifest the consitecne and universality of the theory of understanding.
作者 颜青山 YAN Qingshan
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期45-57,共13页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“基于虚拟现实的实验研究对实验哲学的超越”(15ZDB016)的阶段性成果。
关键词 知性的概念史 近代认识论转向 当代理解研究 知性哲学 history of the concept of understanding modern epistemic turn contemporary studies on understanding philosophy of understanding
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