宾夕法尼亚大学韦茨曼设计学院(Weitzman School of Design)是世界风景园林教育的一个标杆,而其教育的成功有赖于其逻辑严谨和健全的教学体系,其中最值得学习的是其风景园林与区域规划核心课(LARP-601)。从其教学传承与整体课程框架出发,详细分析其教学体系的内在逻辑。并总结该课程在教学过程中带来的启示,结合实际研学经历来呈现其中的精华片段。
From the aspect of education,the Landscape Architecture Department of the Weitzman School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania is an excellent precedent for the world.The success of Penn education relies on its well-designed teaching system with rigorous logic.The most worth-learning thing is its core studio of LARP(Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning)-601.This essay,starting from the discussion of its evolution of education system and the overall curriculum framework,analyzes the inner logic of the education system,summarizes all the enlightenment learned in this course and combines real examples to show the highlight during the teaching process.
XU Qing-hong;Ellen Neises
Guangdong Landscape Architecture