

"Discussing the Ages in Which the Ancients Lived and Making Friends with Them":Wu Leichuan's Cross-Textual Approach to Reading the Bible
摘要 检视中国近现代的圣经解释,早在民国时期,就有中国基督徒知识分子自觉地尝试跨文本阅读,并将儒家经典诠释方法直接挪用到对圣经的解读.吴雷川可谓跨文本与跨经典诠释学方法的先行实践者.本文在概述吴氏"跨文本阅读"理念与实践的基础上,详细探讨他是如何自发地运用孟子的经典解释方法,尤其是"知人论世"的尚友法,作为其解读《福音书》中耶稣之生平事迹的方法论依据,从而达成试图重新揭示耶稣基督的本旨及其社会改造使命的诠释目标.通过对吴氏跨越中西经学方法论之诠释实践的研究,本文将串联起其富有原创意义的释经进路与当代跨文本诠释方法之间的密切关系,并在对话的诠释学视野中反思与展望汉语圣经研究的未来路途. Revisiting the practices of Chinese biblical reading in modern China,this paper finds that some Chinese Christian intellectuals have unconsciously adopted the approach of cross-textual hermeneutics in understanding the Bible within their religio-cultural and socio-political contexts.Wu Leichuan might be considered a pioneer of cross-textual reading of the Bible in Republican China.As one of the most important Chinese theologians trained in Chinese classical scholarship before his conversion,Wu borrows Mencius'interpretive methods of text reading in his cross-textual reading of the New Testament.This paper will show how Wu reinterprets the biography of Jesus Christ and remaps his image as a social reformer in two of his representative works through an exegetical approach taught by Mencius,"discussing the ages in which the ancients lived and making friends with them."Through its analysis of his cross-scriptural reading practice,this paper indicates the close relationship between Wu’s indigenous biblical interpretive approach and the contemporary reading strategy of cross-textual biblical interpretion,and considers the future of Chinese biblical scholarship from the perspective of dialogical hermeneutics.
作者 梁慧 LIANG Hui(Institute of Christianity and Cross-Cultural Studies,Zhejiang University;Chinese Studies Program,Regent College)
出处 《圣经文学研究》 2021年第1期1-39,共39页 Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“何进善基督教文献收集整理和诠释研究”(17BZJ007)的阶段性成果。
关键词 吴雷川 孟子 "知人论世" "尚友古人" 跨文本圣经诠释 Wu Leichuan Mencius "discussing the ages in which the ancients lived" "making friends with the ancients" cross-textual reading of the Bible
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