
水稻科学杰出院士 四农领域时代楷模——纪念作物遗传学家卢永根院士诞辰90周年

An Outstanding Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Rice Research and a "Model of the Times" on the Area of Four Rural Issues——Commemorating the 90th Birthday of Academician Lu Yonggen, a Crop Geneticist
摘要 卢永根院士(1930~2019)是中国杰出的农业教育家和作物遗传学家,2019年11月15日荣获中共中央宣传部追授"时代楷模"称号,以此表彰卢永根院士以其高尚的情操和为高等农业教育和研究作出的突出贡献。卢永根院士早在青少年时期就毅然投入反对国民党贪污腐败、迎接新中国解放运动中,成为一名革命者。在大学期间,他师从"中国稻作科学之父"丁颖院士,开启毕生追随丁颖院士从事水稻科学研究的一生。从1983年11月至1995年5月,他任华南农业大学校长,通过大胆教育改革,改善办学条件,开创了华南农业大学人才培养的新局面,促进高等院校科研发展和成果转化,使华南农业大学伴随广东改革开放的春风,进入大踏步发展的重要时期。作为中国科学院院士,他为国家大力遴选人才,为全国重点学科、重点实验室的发展提出建议和提供支持。他带领团队跋山涉水收集和引进两千多份涵盖整个稻属的野生稻种质资源,并一直保存和研究丁颖院士留下的七千多份水稻品种资源,这是留给国人宝贵的农业遗产。他和徐雪宾教授把毕生省吃俭用的全部积蓄捐给华南农业大学,用于培养学农爱农和从事农业研究的专业人才,这是留给国人宝贵的教育遗产。他无私忘我的崇高精神贯穿始终,矢志不渝,身后更将遗体捐献给医学科研和医学教育事业,这是留给国家宝贵的精神遗产。 Professor Lu Yonggen(1930 ~2019), who was an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and an outstanding agricultural educator and crop geneticist in China. On November 15, 2019, in order to commend academician Lu Yonggen for his outstanding contribution to higher agricultural education and research with his noble sentiment, he was awarded the title of "model of the times" by the central government. This paper comprehensively elaborates on the three "precious heritages" left by academician Lu Yong-gen: the agricultural heritage, the educational heritage, and the spiritual heritage. With this, he has established an eternal monument for Chinese higher education and research on agriculture science. As early as in his youth, he resolutely devoted himself to against the old government’s corruption and welcome the New China’s liberation movement. During the university, he studied under Academician Ding Ying, "the father of Chinese Rice Science", and started his whole life following Academician Ding in rice science research. From November 1983 to May 1995, he started his 13-year career as the president of South China Agricultural University(SCAU). He created a new situation in the cultivation of talent scientists at the SCAU, promoted the development of scientific research and the transformation of scientific outcomes, and improved the teaching and living conditions for teachers and students, which made the university entering an important period of a great step forward following the policy of reform and opening-up in Guangdong province. As an academician and one of the heads of the department of life science, he vigorously selected talents for the country, and provided suggestions and support for the development of national key disciplines and key laboratories in China. He and team members collected and introduced more than 2,000 wild rice germplasm resources covering the entire Oryza genus and had been preserved more than 7,000 rice varieties left by Academician Ding. He and his wife, Professor Xu Xuebin, donat
作者 李金泉 LI Jin-quan(Stnube Research GmbH,Helmstedt 38387,Lower Saxony,Germany)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期641-647,共7页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 卢永根院士 时代楷模 高等农业教育 农业科学家 农业遗产 Academician Lu Yonggen model of the times higher education on agriculture agricultural scientist agricultural heritage
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