

Preliminary Study on The Picture of Locust Hunting
摘要 蝗虫是为害农业生产最严重的害虫之一,人民在与蝗灾的斗争中积累了丰富的经验,这些经验通过治蝗书籍得以保存与传播。《捕蝗图说》作为一本治蝗专著,书中以图文并茂的形式记载治蝗方法,方便百姓阅读理解,有利于民间流传,更具实用价值。此书现存有:咸丰六年、七年刻本,同治八年、十一年刻本,光绪元年、十七年刻本。清代蝗灾频发,且书中所载治蝗内容图文并茂、言简意赅、旨在实用,或是此书版本较多的原因之一。清咸丰六年刻本由钱炘和的序、捕蝗图式十二幅和捕蝗要说二十则组成,书中记载了捕蝗除蝻之法,以及治蝗前和治蝗时的相关事宜,对治理蝗虫灾害,确保粮食丰收,保障人民生活等方面具有重要价值。该书是总结先人经验智慧所得,整理蝗灾文献,了解治蝗之法,于今也有一定的借鉴意义。 Locust is one of the most serious pests in agricultural production.The working people have accumulated rich experience in the struggle against locust plague,which may be preserved through locust control books.As a monograph on locust control,The Picture of Locust Hunting records the methods of locust control in the form of pictures and texts,which is convenient for people to read and understand and conducive to folk circulation with more practical value.The existing editions of this book included those made in the sixth and seventh year of Xianfeng’s reign,the eighth and eleventh year of Tongzhi’s reign,and the first and seventeenth year of Guangxu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty.Locust plague occurred frequently in the Qing Dynasty,and the locust control content recorded in the book was illustrated,concise and practical,explaining the reasons why there were many versions of this book.The block-printed edition in the sixth year of Xianfen’s reign in the Qing Dynasty was composed of the preface by Qian Qihe,twelve locust catching schemata and twenty locust catching notes.The book recorded the methods of catching locusts and related matters before and during locust control,which was of great value in controlling locust plague,ensuring a good harvest of food and ensuring people’s livelihood.This book is a summary of the experience and wisdom of our ancestors,sorting out the literature of locust plague,and figuring out the methods of locust control with certain reference today.
作者 王奋 孙金荣 Wang Fen;Sun Jinrong
机构地区 山东农业大学
出处 《农业考古》 北大核心 2021年第3期225-230,共6页 Agricultural Archaeology
基金 山东省社科规划研究重点项目“山东省重要农业文化遗产调查与保护开发利用研究”(项目编号:16BZWJ02) 山东省科协项目“农业文化资源保护开发利用的理论与实践”鲁科协办发〔2017〕39号。
关键词 蝗灾 捕蝗图说 治蝗 locust plague The Picture of Locust Hunting locust control
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