
弹道修正迫弹制导方法与制导精度研究 被引量:2

Guidance Simulation and Experimental Verification of Trajectory Correction Mortar Projectile
摘要 针对传统迫击炮弹落点精度差,打击精度低,设计了迫击炮弹弹道修正算法,采用摄动落点偏差预测法、自适应比例导引法、自适应比例微分导引法对弹道进行修正。建立了六自由度弹道模型及控制模型,阐述了摄动落点偏差预测法和比例导引法基本原理;针对比例导引律中常值比例系数不符合实际弹道变化的特点,在纵向平面设计了自适应比例导引律,横向平面设计了自适应比例微分导引律。采用蒙特卡洛模拟打靶仿真验证,考察制导律在纵向平面、横向平面以及复合制导的修正能力。仿真结果表明,在纵向平面,自适应比例导引律效果最好;在横向平面,自适应比例微分导引律效果最好。仿真分析了3种制导方法的复合制导效果。仿真结果表明,在纵向平面升弧段采用摄动落点偏差预测制导方法,以及在降弧段纵向平面采用自适应比例导引律、在横向平面采用自适应比例微分导引律的复合制导能力得到有效提升,迫击炮弹落点圆概率误差从无控时的126.317 m降为0.9655 m。大射角、小射程条件下模拟打靶,圆概率误差为1.8643 m。 Aiming at the poor impact point accuracy and low strike accuracy of traditional mortar shell,the trajectory correction algorithm of mortar shell was designed.The trajectory was corrected by perturbation impact point deviation prediction method,adaptive proportional guidance method and adaptive proportional differential guidance method.The six degree of freedom trajectory model and control model were established,and the perturbation impact point deviation prediction method and proportional guidance method were proposed.In view of the fact that the constant proportional coefficient of proportional guidance law does not conform to the actual trajectory change,the adaptive proportional guidance law was designed in the longitudinal plane,and the adaptive proportional differential guidance law was designed in the transverse plane.Monte-Carlo simulation was used to verify the correction ability of guidance law in longitudinal plane,transverse plane and compound guidance.The simulation results show that the adaptive proportional navigation law was the best in the longitudinal plane,and the adaptive proportional differential navigation law was the best in the transverse plane.The composite guidance effect of three guidance methods was simulated and analyzed.The simulation results show that the composite guidance and correction ability of perturbed impact-point deviation prediction guidance method in the longitudinal plane of ascending arc,adaptive proportional guidance law in the longitudinal plane of descending arc and adaptive proportional differential guidance law in the transverse plane,were effectively improved,and the circular probable error of impact points of mortar was reduced from 126.317 m to 0.9655 m.Under the conditions of large shooting angle and small range,the circular probable error is 1.8643 m.
作者 孙希彤 罗兴柏 高敏 周晓东 SUN Xitong;LUO Xingbai;GAO Min;ZHOU Xiaodong(Ammunition Engineering Department,Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050003,China;Missile Engineering Department,Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050003,China)
出处 《弹道学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期13-20,共8页 Journal of Ballistics
关键词 制导 比例导引 摄动制导 比例微分 落点偏差 guidance proportional guidance perturbation guidance impact point deviation proportional differentia
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