

Three-dimensional digital measurement of facial anatomy parameters of young Mongolian college students in Inner Mongolia
摘要 目的通过数字化三维重建与测量分析内蒙古地区正常蒙古族青年大学生面部解剖学参数,评价面部性别差异,以便对外科美容整形、颌面部正畸等提供解剖学参考依据。完善面部轮廓数据库,为现代蒙古族青年男女面部整形提供美学参考。方法对60名(男30例,女30例)蒙古族青年大学生采用面部三维扫描,利用软件测量头宽、形态面长等12项指标以及头面部指数,并进行指标的相关性分析,对比不同地区民族之间的面部差异。结果内蒙古地区蒙古族青年大学生左右侧眼裂宽分别为(31.76±4.81)mm、(31.47±4.34)mm,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男女眼裂宽分别为(35.49±2.74)mm、(27.74±1.99)mm,男性大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。性别间比较头宽、容貌面长、面宽、形态面长、眼外角间宽,男性大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。计算出男女性鼻指数分别为72.55±1.63、73.14±1.21,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),头面宽指数、形态面指数、额面指数、唇指数,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。根据形态面指数分型,男性阔面型多见占46.67%,女性超阔面型多见占56.67%;根据鼻指数分型,男女性中鼻型多见分别占50%和53.33%。结论内蒙古地区蒙古族青年大学生面部三维指标,男性普遍大于女性;男性形态面指数分型多见阔面型,女性形态面指数分型多见超阔面型;鼻指数分型男女性均多见中鼻型。与其他民族相比,蒙古族男女性都存在面宽较宽的特征。 Objective To analyze the facial anatomical parameters of normal Mongolian young college students in Inner Mongolia by digital three-dimensional reconstruction and measurement,and to evaluate the differences in facial gender,so as to provide anatomical references for surgical cosmetic surgery and maxillofacial orthodontics.The improvement of facial contours database is to provide aesthetic reference for facial shaping of young Mongolian men and women.Methods Sixty(30 males and 30 females)young Mongolian college students were subjected to three-dimensional facial scanning,and software was used to measure 12 indicators such as head width and morphological face length,as well as head and face indexes.Correlation analysis was performed to compare the indicators,and the facial differences were compared among ethnic groups in different regions.Results The eye slit breadth of the left and right of Inner Mongolian young college students were(31.76±4.81)mm and(31.47±4.34)mm,and there were no statistical significance(P>0.05).The eye slit breadth of the male and female were(35.49±2.74)mm and(27.74±1.99)mm,respectively,and male was greater than female,the difference is statistically significant(P<0.05).There was a statistical difference in head breadth,physiognomic facial height,face breadth,morphological facial height,external biocular breadth between men and women.The differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The nasal index in terms of gender was(72.55±1.63)and(73.14±1.21),with no significant difference(P>0.05).The breadth-height index of head,morphological facial index,fronto-facial index,lip index were statistically significant(P<0.05).According to the morphological facial index classification,male wide face type was more common(accounting for 46.67%)and the female ultra-wide face type was common(56.67%).According to the classification of nasal index,middle nasal type was more common in male and female,accounting for 50%and 53.33%,respectively.Conclusions Three-dimensional facial indicators of young Mongol
作者 王一丹 许阳阳 和雨洁 高明杰 蔡永强 金凤 张云凤 王利东 王海燕 李筱贺 李志军 高尚 Wang Yidan;Xu Yangyang;He Yujie;Gao Mingjie;Cai Yongqiang;Jin Feng;Zhang Yunfeng;Wang Lidon;Wang Haiyan;Li Xiaohe;Li Zhijun;Gao Shang(School of Postgraduates of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China;Department of Human Anatomy,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China;Digital Medical Center,Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China;Department of Imaging,the First Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010000,China;Department of Imaging,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China;Department of Image Center,Inner Mongolia International Mongolian Medical Hospital,Hohhot 010010,China)
出处 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期252-258,共7页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(81860383,81560348,81460330) 内蒙古教育厅青年科技英才项目(NJYT-15-B05) 内蒙古教育厅青年科技英才项目(njyt-15-b05) 内蒙古自治区科技创新引导项目(02039004) 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2016ms08131) 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2020MS08124,2020LH08021) 内蒙古医科大学科技百万计划基金(YKD2017KJBW012) 内蒙古医科大学科技百万计划基金(YKD2017KJBW012,YKD2017KJBW015) 内蒙古医科大学后续科研项目(2020) 内蒙古医科大学科技转化项目(YKD2020CGZH009) 内蒙古医科大学“致远”人才计划(2021) 内蒙自治区科技计划项目(2019GG115) 内蒙古人社厅归国留学人员基金(TKD2017KJBW012) 内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程青年创新人才。
关键词 颜面部 三维扫描 数字化测量 蒙古族 青年 Facial Three-dimensional scanning Digital measurement Mongolian Youth
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