《公民及政治权利国际公约》(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)是联合国制定的最重要的人权公约。它不是规定国际法主体之间相互的权利义务关系,而是规定了个人的各种重要权利和该公约成员国共同承担保障个人权利的责任。该公约有不同的中文本,主要有三个:第一个是1966年通过时的文本,称《公民及政治权利国际盟约》;第二个是2002年联合国秘书长应中国政府要求将原中文本的"盟约"一词改为"公约"(以下在不引起歧义的情况下,皆简称为"该公约"),并通知世界各国,将该公约中文名称改为《公民及政治权利国际公约》的文本;第三个文本时间和来源不详,是国内外广泛流传和引用的现代汉语文本,称《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》。该公约还有其他若干不同文本,主要是标题名称的不同,此处不作详细论述。(1)这三个文本中只有第二个中文本,即《公民及政治权利国际公约》是具有法律效力的文本,其他中文本不应当同时具有法律效力。该公约的中文本实际上是根据该公约英文本翻译而成的,而且都存在不少翻译痕迹和错误。中国已经签署了该公约,(2)应当根据法律程序确定符合中国法律和文字风格的作准本,并应当经过联合国的法律程序颁布于世,以昭信守。此公约合法中文本的确定不仅关系到每个人的权利和国家的义务,而且也是国家相关部门研究批准该公约的依据,同时也应当是法学界研究该公约的依据。
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is the most important human rights treaty of the United Nations, which concerns the rights of everyone in the world. This Covenant is different from ordinary international treaties, it does not stipulate the relationship of rights and obligations between the parties, but the states parties solemnly promise to guarantee the rights of the third party, that is everyone under the jurisdiction of the member States of the treaty. There are at least three Chinese versions of the Covenant, the first of which is the text when it was adopted in 1966;the second is the one, at the request of the Chinese government, the word " 盟约 " in the original Chinese version replaced by " 公约 " in 1972;The third is a modern Chinese text widely circulated and quoted at home and abroad, which is not authentic at all. Of these three texts, only the second one is legally effective, and the other Chinese texts should not have legal effect at the same time. The above three texts are actually translated according to the English version, and there are some mistakes. China signed the Covenant in the year of 1998, and should prepare for its ratification. However, before ratifying the covenant, China should make clear which one is the authentic Chinese version.
Tribune of Political Science and Law