BACKGROUND The Updated Sydney system for visual evaluation of gastric mucosal atrophy viaendoscopic observation is subject to sampling error and interobserver variability.The Kimura-Takemoto classification system was developed to overcome theselimitations.AIMTo compare the morphological classification of atrophic gastritis between theKimura-Takemoto system and the Updated Sydney system.METHODSA total of 169 patients with atrophic gastritis were selected according to diagnosisby the visual endoscopic Kimura-Takemoto method. Following the UpdatedKimura-Takemoto classification system, one antrum biopsy and five gastriccorpus biopsies were taken according to the visual stages of the Kimura-Takemoto system. The Updated Kimura-Takemoto classification system was thenapplied to each and showed 165 to have histological mucosal atrophy;theremaining 4 patients had no histological evidence of atrophy in any biopsy. The Updated Kimura-Takemoto classification was verified as a referencemorphological method and applied for the diagnosis of atrophic gastritis. Addingone more biopsy from the antrum to the six biopsies according to the Updated Kimura-Takemoto classification, constitutes the updated combined Kimura-Takemoto classification and Sydney system.RESULTSThe sensitivity for degree of mucosal atrophy assessed by the Updated Sydneysystem was 25% for mild, 36% for moderate, and 42% for severe, when comparedwith the Updated Kimura-Takemoto classification of atrophic gastritis formorphological diagnosis. Four types of multifocal atrophic gastritis wereidentified: sequential uniform (type 1;in 28%), sequential non-uniform (type 2;in7%), diffuse uniform (type 3;in 23%), diffuse non-uniform (type 4;in 24%), and"alternating atrophic – non-atrophic" (type 5;in 18%). The pattern of the spread ofatrophy, sequentially from the antrum to the cardiac segment of the stomach,which was described by the Updated Kimura-Takemoto system, washistologically confirmed in 82% of cases evaluated.CONCLUSIONThe Updated Sydney system is significantly