浅埋暗挖电力隧道施工容易引起地层结构变形,控制地面建筑物(构筑物)及相关管线的沉降,特别是不均匀沉降等方面仍是浅埋暗挖电力隧道施工的重点。针对砂卵石地层自稳能力差,施工过程中易出现局部坍塌的特点,宜采用管超前、短台阶、短进尺,环形开挖留核心土,及时施作初期支护,勤量测及时反馈信息等措施,来控制电力隧道围岩的变形,防止围岩坍塌,并通过压力注浆方式对地层进行预加固和超前支护,使拱部砂卵石层得到有效固结,形成注浆固结体,依托“岳各庄220 kV输变电(电力沟)工程(第五标段)”,提出砂卵石地层浅埋暗挖隧道下穿施工时地层加固方案和开挖施工方法。
The construction of shallow buried and hidden power tunnels is likely to cause deformation of the ground structure.Controlling the settlement of ground buildings(structures)and related pipelines,especially uneven settlement,is still the focus of shallow buried and hidden power tunnel construction.In view of the poor self-stability of sand and gravel stratum and local collapse during construction,it is advisable to adopt pipe advance,short steps,short footage,circular excavation to retain core soil,timely implementation of initial support,frequent measurement and timely feedback information measures such as to control the deformation of the surrounding rock of the power tunnel,prevent the collapse of the surrounding rock,and pre-reinforce and advance the stratum through pressure grouting,so that the sand and gravel layer at the arch can be effectively consolidated to form a grouting consolidation body Relying on the"Yuegezhuang 220 kV Power Transmission and Transformation(Power Ditch)Project(Fifth Tender Section)",the stratum reinforcement plan and the excavation construction method during the underpass construction of the shallow buried tunnel in the sand and gravel stratum are proposed.
Building Technology Development
shallow buried tunnel
sand and pebble stratum
building settlement
stratum reinforcement