由于在设计纯电动汽车逻辑门限能量管理策略时往往只考虑单一因素影响,未考虑整车可用功率,因此,提出基于模糊控制的能量管理策略,运用此策略可以在动力电池总能量不变的前提下提升纯电动汽车续航里程.首先将纯电动汽车能量管理系统作为研究对象,在分析动力系统结构和能量管理系统功率流关系的基础上,采取以加速踏板开度的变化率、电机转速、整车可用功率为模糊控制器输入,以电机需求扭矩为输出的mamdani型结构设计模糊控制能量管理策略,利用AVL Cruise软件搭建整车仿真模型,通过Cruise与MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真验证该策略的有效性.研究表明:所设计的模糊控制能量管理策略具有较强的鲁棒性,控制效果好,相比传统的基于逻辑门限的能量管理策略,采用模糊控制算法后在NEDC工况下百公里电量消耗下降了15.2%,续航里程延长了15.1%.
Since only a single factor is considered when designing a logic threshold energy management strategy for pure electric vehicles,and the available power of the vehicle is not considered,an energy management strategy based on fuzzy control is proposed.This strategy can improve the range of pure electric vehicles with the total power battery energy remaining unchanged.First of all,the pure electric vehicle energy management system is taken as the research object.A fuzzy control energy management strategy is designed with mamdani structure,which takes the change rate of pedal opening,motor speed and available power of the whole vehicle as the input of fuzzy controller and the required torque of the motor as the output.Then we build a vehicle simulation model using AVL Cruise software,and verify the effectiveness of this strategy through the combined simulation of Cruise and MATLAB/Simulink.The research shows that the designed fuzzy control energy management strategy has strong robustness and good control effect.Compared with the traditional energy management strategy based on logic threshold,the fuzzy control algorithm reduces the power consumption per 100 kilometers by 15.2%and the mileage increases by 15.1%under the NEDC conditions.
WANG Qi;LIU Shengyong;ZHENG Zhifei(School of Electric and Information Engineering,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006,China;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automobile Components and Vehicle Technology(Guangxi University of Science and Technology),Liuzhou 545006,China)
Journal of Guangxi University of Science and Technology