
肺癌脑转移中国治疗指南(2021年版) 被引量:2

Clinical practice guideline for brain metastases of lung cancer in China(2021 version)
摘要 肺癌患者脑转移发生率高、预后差、自然生存时间短。近年来,随着外科手术、放射治疗和内科治疗水平的不断提高,肺癌脑转移患者的治疗选择越来越多,生存时间得以延长。为了及时反映国内外肺癌脑转移治疗的新进展,进一步提高肺癌脑转移患者的规范化治疗水平,中国医师协会肿瘤医师分会和中国医疗保健国际交流促进会肿瘤内科分会组织专家编写了《肺癌脑转移中国治疗指南(2021年版)》,以供临床医师参考。 Brain metastases are common in lung cancer patients,indicating a poor prognosis and short survival time.In recent years,with the development of surgery,radiotherapy and medical therapy,the survival time of lung cancer patients with brain metastases has been prolonged owing to more and more treatment options.In order to reflect the progress in the treatment worldwide timely,and further improve the level of standardized treatment of lung cancer with brain metastases in China,Chinese Association for Clinical Oncologists and Medical Oncology Branch of Chinese International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare organized experts to formulate"Clinical practice guideline for brain metastases of lung cancer in China(2021 version)".
作者 石远凯 无;Shi Yuankai(Chinese Association for Clinical Oncologists;Medical Oncology Branch of Chinese International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare;Department of Medical Oncology,Beijing Key Laboratory of Clinical Study on Anticancer Molecular Targeted Drugs,National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100021,China)
出处 《中华肿瘤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期269-281,共13页 Chinese Journal of Oncology
基金 重大新药创制科技重大专项(2017ZX09304015) 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2016-I2M-1-001)。
关键词 肺肿瘤 脑转移 治疗 规范 Lung neoplasms Brain metastases Therapy Standard
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