
欧洲国家开放数据成熟度研究及发展建议 被引量:3

Research on Open Data Maturity in European Countries and Development Suggestions
摘要 文章对欧洲数据门户发布的《2019开放数据成熟度报告》进行解读,从中提取有价值信息,以期为我国开放数据发展建设提供借鉴。文章对《2019开放数据成熟度报告》中的开放数据成熟评估指标进行详解,并列出国家开放数据成熟度级别的概要性描述,深入了解欧盟各国开放数据成熟度评估的具体要素及级别分类。依据欧洲开放数据门户划分的趋势引领级、快速监测级、跟随级和入门级四阶成熟度级别,提出针对性发展建议,并对我国的开放数据成熟度水平进行定位,规划未来发展路径。 The paper interprets the "Open Data Maturity Report 2019" released by the European Data Portal, and extracts valuable information from it, so as to provide reference for the development and construction of open data in my country.The open data maturity assessment indexes in the Report are explained in detail, and the summary description of national open data maturity level is listed to gain an in-depth understanding of the specific elements and level classification of open data maturity assessment in EU countries.According to the four-tier maturity levels of the European open data portals, including trend-leading level, rapid monitoring level, following-level and entry level, the paper puts forward targeted development suggestions, and positions China’s open data maturity level, and plan the future development path.
作者 陈媛媛 Chen Yuanyuan
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期67-72,共6页 Research on Library Science
基金 国家社科基金项目“高校图书馆科研数据服务模式与服务系统研究”(项目编号:17CTQ041)的研究成果之一。
关键词 开放数据 成熟度 数据评估 欧洲 open data maturity data evaluation Europe
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