An overview of the recently renovated high-pressure X-ray diffraction(XRD)BL10XU beamline for the diamond anvil cell at SPring-8 is presented.The renovation includes the replacement of the X-ray source and monochromator,enhanced focusing systems for high-energy XRD,and recent progress in the sample environment control techniques that are available for high-pressure studies.Other simultaneous measurement techniques for combination with XRD,such as Raman scattering spectroscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy,have been developed to obtain complementary information under extreme conditions.These advanced techniques are expected to make significant contributions to in-depth understanding of various and complicated high-pressure phenomena.The experience gained with the BL10XU beamline could help promote high-pressure research in future synchrotron radiation facilities.
This work was partially supported by RIKEN,Japan,and MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI GrantsNos.JP24000005 and JP16H06285(to K.H.),JP26000006(to K.S.),and JP22000002 and JP15H05748(to E.O.).This work was performed under SPring-8 proposals.43 Comments from anonymous reviewers were helpful in improving the manuscript.