

What is the Reason for Such Negligence:An Academic Case between Qian Daxin and His Predecessor Scholar He Zhuo
摘要 钱大昕是清代著名历史考据学家,不仅成果丰硕,而且水平极高,但其考证诸论中也有自以为创见,实则是对前人观点的暗合乃至近于抄袭,而竟还要高调宣称是自己的创见特识。这提醒我们,对于任何前人的学术观点,都必须置于整个学术发展的长河中,仔细梳理其来龙去脉,寻找其上下左右的关联,以普遍联系和辩证发展的观点,在纵通与横通上深挖细掘、破解矛盾,以求得出既有高度又有广度和深度的结论,才能比较准确地觅得事实真相。否则,完全相信前人的自我表白,即使是出自其个人的真实告白,也会因为前人自身认识的局限而被其误导,从而丧失对学术史全貌的准确认知。 Qian Daxin was a well-known historical textual critic in the Qing Dynasty.Not only did he have fruitful results,but also had a very high level.However,some of his textual researches that he believed original were actually a coincidence of the views of his predecessors and even close to plagiarism,and he even made high-profile claims about his own creative special knowledge^This reminds us that the academic views of any predecessor must be placed in the long river of academic development.Carefully sort out ins and outs,and look for the connections in all aspects.From the viewpoint of universal connection and dialectical development,dig into and solve contradictions vertically and horizontally,in order to draw conclusions that have both height and breadth and depth,so as to find the truth more accurately.Otherwise,if we fully believe in the self-confession of the predecessors,even if it is from the true confession of the predecessors,we will be misled by the predecessors because of the limitations of their own knowledge,and we will lose an accurate understanding of the full picture of academic history.
作者 王嘉川 张卉子 WANG Jia-chuan;ZHANG Hui-zi(School of Social Development,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou Jiangsu 225002,China)
出处 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期63-68,共6页 Journal of Langfang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“清代《史通》校勘学研究”(14BZS001)阶段性成果。
关键词 钱大昕 何焯 陈景云 《杨戏传》 《王祥传》 Qian Daxin He Zhuo Chen Jingyun Biography of Yang Xi Biography of Wang Xiang
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