An archaeological survey to the Niubishan Site and the Shangdongping Site was carried out by the History Department of Xiamen University and Pucheng County Museum in 2018.The working team discovered cultural remains of three periods spanning from the late Neolithic to the Bronze Age.The first and second periods can be identified as culture of the lower and upper levels of the Niubishan Site.The chronological and typological research of these remains reveal that the main age of the early Niubishan Culture could be older than 5,000 years ago.The third period of remains is dated to the Xia and Shang times.The rice remains were also collected in the trench at the Niubishan Site,dating to around 5,000 years ago.This investigation provides important materials for the further understanding of the ancient culture in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas.
Southeast Culture