心血管疾病作为慢性疾病之首,严重威胁全国10.3%人群的生命健康,对其进行有效的防控治疗已成为当下研究热点;而目前国内慢性疾病信息实时采集终端与分析诊断平台匮乏,致使心血管等慢性疾病无法得到跟踪和快速有效的治疗;为此,文章利用物联网技术,结合SQL Server数据库,使用C#语言以及WPF开发技术设计了基于物联网的心血管功能测试及诊断平台;该平台通过终端实现对心血管疾病患者健康信息的采集,采用Zigbee通讯技术上传至云端,平台通过Socket技术接收数据并给出诊断结论,生成体检报告,系统测试中涉及了心率、心输出量CO、心搏出量SV以及脉搏波形特征量K等关键参数,结果验证了该心血管功能测试诊断平台的合理性与有效性,实验结果达到了预期目标,为及早发现和治疗心血管等慢性疾病提供了数据支撑与平台基础。
Cardiovascular disease,as the first chronic disease,seriously threatens the life and health of 10.3%of the population in the country.Effective prevention and treatment of it have become a current research hotspot.At present,the lack of real-time collection terminals and analysis and diagnosis platforms for chronic disease information in China makes it impossible for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease to be tracked and quickly and effectively treated.To this end,this article uses the Internet of Things technology,combined with the SQL Server database,C#language,and WPF development technology to design a cardiovascular function test and diagnosis platform based on the Internet of Things.The platform realizes the collection of the health information of patients with cardiovascular diseases through the terminal and uploads it to the cloud using Zigbee communication technology.The platform receives the data through Socket technology,gives a diagnosis conclusion,and generates a physical examination report.The system test involves heart rate and cardiac output CO Key parameters such as stroke volume SV and pulse waveform characteristic K.The results verify the rationality and effectiveness of the cardiovascular function test diagnostic platform.The experimental results have reached the expected goal,which is for the early detection and treatment of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases Provides data support and platform foundation.
Li Pei(Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou 221006,China)
Computer Measurement &Control