图像分割是图像处理中的一项关键技术 ,也是一经典难题 ,从发展至今仍没有找到一个通用的方法 ,也没有制定出判断分割算法好坏的通过标准 .本文对图像分割方法中的域值分割方法、边缘检测方法和区域提取方法等作了一概述 ,并介绍了一些近年来出现的各种新方法和对分割评价标准的研究情况 .最后 。
The image segmentation is a key technology for image processing,also is a classical,difficult problem for reserachers.No method which is fit for all segmentation problems has been found and no criterion for judging it established since this research started.In this paper,a survey on image segmentation methods such as threshold segmentation,edge detection and region extraction is given,and some new methods appeared recently and some researches on segmentation evaluation criterions are introduced respectively and finally a developing direction of the imgage segmentation technology is pointed out.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology