为深入研究陡坡路基h型桩板墙设计关键参数对结构的影响,提出关键设计参数建议值。采用数值分析软件建立计算模型,分析h型桩板墙的横梁设置位置、横向桩间距及主桩锚固长度对结构内力的影响。主要得出以下结论:(1)横梁布置距主桩桩顶的最佳距离为0.30L~0.35L(L为主桩悬臂段长度);(2)锚固段为岩质地层时,横向最佳桩净间距为6~7 m,主桩锚固段最佳长度约为2L/3;(3)锚固段为土质地层时,横向最佳桩净间距为7~8 m,主桩锚固段最佳长度约为0.8L;(4)横梁设置位置及锚固深度不影响承载板对结构内力的改善作用,但横向桩间距过大时满铺设置承载板对结构不利,锚固段为岩质地层时,当横向桩间距大于8 m时,不宜在横梁上满铺设置承载板;锚固段为土质地层时,当横向桩间距大于9 m时,不宜在横梁上满铺设置承载板。
In order to deeply study the influence of key design parameters of h-type sheet-pile wall on the structure on steep slopes,the proposed values of key design parameters are provided for design reference.In this paper,the numerical analysis software is used to establish a calculation model to analyze the influence of the arrangement of the h-type sheet-pile wall,the position of the beam,the distance between the lateral piles and the anchoring length of the main pile on the internal force of the structure.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)The optimal distance between the beam layout and the top of the main pile is 0.30L~0.35L.(2)When the anchoring section is a rock stratum,the optimal lateral clear distance between piles is 6-7 m,and the optimal length of the anchoring section of the main pile is about 2L/3.(3)When the anchoring section is a soil stratum,the optimal lateral clear distance between piles is 7~8 m,and the optimal length of the anchoring section of the main pile is approximately 0.8L.(4)The installation position and anchoring depth of the crossbeam do not affect the improvement of the internal force of the bearing plate,but it is not good for the structure to overlay bearing plates when the distance between the lateral piles is too large.In case that the anchoring section is a rock stratum and the distance between lateral piles is greater than 8 m,it is not suitable to install load bearing plates fully on the beam.When the anchorage section is a soil stratum and the distance between lateral piles is greater than 9 m,it is inappropriate to set load bearing plates fully on the beam.
LIAO Chao(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430063,China)
Railway Standard Design
high speed railway
steep slope subgrade
h-type sheet-pile wall
pile spacing
anchoring section
design parameters