【evaluation of course books or materials evaluation】Evaluation of course books or materials evaluation,as it will be more broadly referred to here,is a field supported until now by only a relatively small specialist literature.The concept of evaluating materials in order to select for class use a particular set from among those available is not,of course,a new one.However,in recent years the term materials evaluation has taken on a more formal connotation in response to attempts to systematize it,most saliently through the introduction of the checklist(see below).The motivation for systematization has been the proliferation of materials,notably in connection with English as a foreign language.It is one thing for one evaluator to compare two or three course books and to be satisfied that the final choice made is justifiable.It is a different situation when even in 1987,as Goodman and Takahashi(1987)report,28 United States publishers were offering a total of 1623 ESL textbooks.
Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education