

Beyond “Dust Bowls”:Symposium on the Second Chinese Edition of Dust Bowl and the Second Anniversary of the Establishment of the Green Public History Center
摘要 一、会议召开的背景及基本情况滚滚黑尘,飘然入史,掀起了20世纪30年代美国南部大平原上的尘暴,开启了古老的克里奥女神的新征程——《尘暴》生,环境史大放异彩。及至2003年,《尘暴》中译本问世,使域外的那场“尘暴”刮到了这个国度,让我们有机会学习如何将史之尘暴和现实中的沙尘相勾连,进而思考环境史如何研究、如何发展、如何服务。感谢《尘暴》的作者和译者,因为他们的杰出贡献和不懈努力,17年后的今天,我们又一次有机会直面“尘暴”,进一步思考与环境史相关的许多问题。 Seventeen years ago, Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s came to this country, giving us an opportunity to learn how to connect dust storms in the past with those of the present, and to think about how environmental history could be studied, developed, and be made useful. Thanks to the outstanding contributions and tireless efforts of the author and translator of Dust Bowl, we now have another opportunity, seventeen years later, to face the “dust bowl” again, and to think about many issues related to environmental history. This time, we will focus on Dust Bowl by putting our emphasis on thinking about how to go beyond “dust bowls”, not only by engaging ourselves in environmental history research, but also by urging historians to reflect on the relationship between reality and history, in order to promote the communication between ecology, the public, and historical research. Therefore, on the publication of the second edition of the Chinese version of Dust Bowl and the second anniversary of the establishment of the Center for Green Public History at Tsinghua University, we are holding a symposium to invite scholars and public figures to think about the future of environmental history in the context of sustainable development, ecological civilization, and the significance of Dust Bowl in order to cultivate the green citizens needed in a new era.
作者 梅雪芹 张茜 Mei Xueqin;Zhang Xi
机构地区 清华大学历史系
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2021年第1期108-116,128,共10页 Journal of Poyang Lake








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