澳大利亚技术与继续教育(Technical and Further Education,TAFE)是政府直接引导的实施职业教育与培训的主体机构,其发展历程经历了创立初期、迅速发展、系统重塑并稳步发展的三个重要时期。澳大利亚TAFE具有内联外通的国家职业资格框架、行业主导的办学机制、专兼结合的优质师资队伍、高质量和高认可度的职业资格培训、灵活开放的终身教育理念及强烈的市场意识等特点。这对我国高职院校发展具有重要的启示:明确培养定位,彰显高职院校办学特色;政府统筹管理,完善就业准入及国家职业资格认证制度;培育“双师型”师资队伍,建立专兼结合的长效机制;转变发展方式,办学方式灵活化、终身化;吸引行业、企业参与高职院校办学,发挥其主导作用。
Australian technical and further education(TAFE)is the main body of vocational education and training directly guided by the government.It has experienced three important periods:initial stage,rapid development,system remodeling and steady development.TAFE in Australia is characterized by a national vocational qualification framework,an industry-leading school running mechanism,a full-time and part-time high-quality teaching staff,high-quality and highly recognized vocational qualification training,a flexible and open concept of lifelong education,and a strong market awareness.This has important reference significance for the development of higher vocational colleges in China:Clearing training orientation and highlight the characteristics of higher vocational colleges;Managing by government and improve the employment access and national vocational qualification certification system;Cultivating"double qualification"teachers and establish a long-term mechanism of full-time and part-time combination;Changing the development mode and implement flexible and lifelong school running mode;Attracting industries and enterprises to participate in higher vocational education and play their leading role in running schools.
REN Meng;CAI Xiaotang;HUAI Fule
Communication of Vocational Education