3R. Gunness, Social Responsibility: The Art of the Possible[J].Business and Society Review,1986, p.25. 被引量:1
4Rutherford Smith, Social Responsibility: A Term We Can Do Without[J]. Business and Society Review, 1988, p.31. 被引量:1
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6M. Firedman, The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits[J]. New York Times Magazine, September 13,1970. 被引量:1
7C. Stone, Where the Law Eeds[M]. 1975, p.71, quoted in Dr Saleem Sheikh, Corporate Social Responsibility: Law and Practice,Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1996, P. 15. 被引量:1
8D. Votaw, Genius Becomes Rare in the Corporate Dilemma: Traditional Values and Contemporary Problems[M]. D. Votaw (ed.) ,1975, p.11. 被引量:1
9Social Responsibilities of Business Corporations [M]. by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development,1971,pp.36-40. 被引量:1
10James J. Brummer, Corporate Responsibility and Legitimacy[M].Greenwood Press, 1991, pp. 19-30. 被引量:1