
产业生态学视角下的家庭代谢:理论框架、进展与展望 被引量:2

Household metabolism research from an industrial ecology perspective:framework,progress and prospects
摘要 家庭及其成员的消费活动不仅直接影响自然环境,而且通过社会经济系统的传导(原料开采、生产和运输等)对自然环境产生间接影响。家庭代谢衍生于可持续发展(消费)研究,是社会经济代谢体系的重要组成部分。基于物质循环和生命周期等产业生态学理论,并借鉴前人研究成果,文章提出家庭代谢即某一时期内,家庭系统满足自身(家庭及其成员)生存和发展需求而产生的直接和间接物质和能量消费,并将其以废弃物(液体、气体和固体废弃物)的形式从家庭系统输出的过程。进一步对家庭代谢的内涵进行了系统阐释,归纳整理了家庭代谢的研究框架及其核算方法,提炼家庭代谢的影响因素并构建了家庭代谢驱动机制的理论模型,总结了当前家庭代谢研究面临的关键挑战。认为:①家庭代谢为分析家庭部门资源消费活动及其外部环境影响提供了新的思路,家庭代谢具有明显的时空差异特征。②家庭代谢的发展演化是家庭属性子系统、社会经济子系统和自然环境子系统共同作用的结果,家庭属性子系统在家庭代谢发展过程中起关键作用。③家庭代谢研究面临产品核算清单覆盖不全、基础数据获取难度大和实证研究不足等重大挑战。④家庭代谢与城镇化、资源循环和社区管理等研究的交叉融合能够为城镇化过程中减少家庭部门资源消耗和排放、发展循环经济以及改善社区管理等提供帮助,但需要不同学科和领域学者的交流与合作。 Households are the most basic and important social forms,living cells and consumer groups of human society.The thriving of households depends largely on continuous material and energy inputs,stocks,and outputs in the household systems.The consumption activities of households and their members have a significant impact on the socioeconomic system and its metabolism,through which the natural environment is affected as well.Household metabolism(HM),rooted in sustainable development and sustainable consumption,is an important part of the socioeconomic metabolism.Based on the mass balance and life cycle thinking and theories from an industrial ecology perspective,this paper expands on existing literature and defines HM as the totality of the inflows,stocks,and outflows of materials and energy throughout the household system and their consequent direct and indirect impacts on natural environment(in terms of solid waste,wastewater,and greenhouse gas emissions)in a certain period of time.Furthermore,this article proposes an analytical and quantification framework for HM,identifies the driving mechanism of household subsystem,socioeconomic subsystem,and natural environment subsystem within HM,and summarizes the key challenges for further development of HM research.The main conclusions are:①HM provides new insights for understanding and analyzing the resources and energy consumption activities and associated environmental impact of households which present strong spatial and temporal variations.②The patterns and dynamics of HM are results of a combination of parameters from household,socioeconomic,and natural environment factors,in which household subsystem factors play a central role.③A few significant challenges remain to be solved in the further development of HM,including for example the incomplete inventories,difficulty in accessing core data,and lack of sufficient empirical studies.④A multidisciplinary approach integrating HM with urbanization studies,resource management,and community sociology would be impor
作者 侯鹏 刘刚 刘晓洁 刘立涛 成升魁 HOU Peng;LIU Gang;LIU Xiaojie;LIU Litao;CHENG Shengkui(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;SDU Life Cycle Engineering,University of Southern Denmark,5230 Odense,Denmark)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期193-204,共12页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题二“基于全生命周期的战略性关键金属矿产循环利用时空规律与再生潜力评估”(批准号:71991484) 新兴产业核心矿种全产业链调查评价(批准号:DD20190676) 重要经济廊带自然资源综合调查与产能合作区划(批准号:DD20201147)。
关键词 家庭代谢 社会经济代谢 产业生态学 物质流分析 household metabolism socioeconomic metabolism industrial ecology material flow analysis
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