Consumer price index and producer price index are the most important price indicators in my country's economic operation.Studying their correlations can reflect the relevant effects of price changes in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain.This paper uses different sample interval lengths and time windows to test the correlation between the two price indices under the framework of the vector autoregressive model,and analyzes the sources of uncertainty in the analysis of the correlation between the two.The wavelet transform method in the field of signal processing and analysis is used for reference to analyze the fluctuation characteristics of the price index in the full time domain.At the same time,the wavelet transformation of the interbank repo rate in the same observation interval,an important intermediary target of monetary policy,proves that there are 3-5 years of macroeconomic fluctuations in the time series of the price index and the key monetary policy interest rate.The internal cycles of the two price indices and currency market indicators provide a theoretical basis for the selection of the lag period for future time series research such as VAR.
Price:Theory & Practice