
早期中国知识转型期的《毛诗》学——基于《毛传》《郑笺》差异的研究 被引量:3

The Knowledge Transformation in Early China:A Case Study on the Study of Mao's Text of the Book of Songs—Based on the Study of the Difference betweenNotes on the Book of Songs with Commentary by Mao Heng and Mao's Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary by Zheng Xuan
摘要 据郑玄《毛诗笺》,毛公将独立成卷的《毛诗序》分拆,置于各篇之首,经文并附《毛传》,以此编成《毛诗故训传》。但是《毛诗序》和《毛传》在诗义理解上至少有四十多篇存在差异,甚至完全相反的理解,毛公等西汉儒生并未对此作出调整或改动,知识的统一性并非他们的追求。但《毛诗笺》却是一部以《毛诗序》为纲,以诠释体系的统一性为目标的著作,这是学术史上毛、郑异同问题的根本所在。战国秦汉学术一脉相承,在两汉之际,早期学术和知识的类型发生了迭代,中古类型的学术和知识兴趣开始出现。在这样的背景下观察《毛诗》学体系中的毛、郑之别,我们会发现《毛诗》的解释在两汉之际也发生了深层的变化,开始从“被使用的文本”,变成了“被理解的文本”。 According to Mao's Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary by Zheng Xuan(《郑笺》/《毛诗笺》),Mao Heng(毛亨)compiled his Mao's Notes on the Book of Songs with Commentary(《毛诗故训传》/《毛传》)by spliting his Mao's Prefaces to the Book of Songs(《毛诗序》)poem by poem,attaching each separate preface with his commentary to its corresponding poem from the Book of Songs.However,in at least more than forty poems there were differences in the interpretation of the poetic connotation between Mao's Prefaces to the Book of Songs and Mao's Notes on the Book of Songs with Commentary,and there were even completely opposite interpretations in some cases.Mao Heng,along with his contemporary Confucian scholars in the Western Han Dynasty,didn't make any readjustments or modifications about these different interpretations because the unification of knowledge was not their pursuit.This situation changed when it came to Mao's Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary by Zheng Xuan,which was dedicated to be a monograph to interpret the Book of Songs(《诗经》)as a systematically unified text with Mao's Prefaces toa the Book of Songs as its key link.This was the fundamental difference between Mao Gong and Zheng Xuan as commentators of the Book of Songs in the academic history.The academic tradition remained almost unchanged from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties,whilst at the turn of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties,changes took place in the early academic and knowledge types.As there appeared the Medieval-type academic and knowledge interests,the academic features of the Eastern Han Dynasty differed greatly from those of the Western Han Dynasty.Observing the diversity of Mao Gong's and Zheng Xuan's ideas in the system of the study of Mao's Text of the Book of Songs(《毛诗》)under such a background,we will find that there was a deep change in the interpretation of Mao's Text of the Book of Songs between the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties.It began to shift from�
作者 徐建委 Xu Jianwei(School of Liberal Arts,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期52-61,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 毛传 毛诗序 郑笺 两汉之际 知识转型 Mao's Notes on the Book of Songs with Commentary(《毛诗故训传》/《毛传》) Mao's Prefaces to the Book of Songs(《毛诗序》) Mao's Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary by Zheng Xuan(《郑笺》/《毛诗笺》) the turn of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties knowledge transformation
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