BACKGROUND To investigate the clinicopathological features of endometrial clear cell carcinoma that has invaded the right oviduct with a cooccurring ipsilateral oviduct adenomatoid tumor.CASE SUMMARY A case of endometrial clear cell carcinoma invading the right oviduct with a cooccurring ipsilateral oviduct adenomatoid tumor was collected and analyzed using pathomorphology and immunohistochemistry.Endometrial clear cell carcinoma cells were distributed in a solid nest,papillary,shoe nail-like,and glandular tube-like distribution.There was infiltrative growth,and tumor cells had clear cytoplasm and obvious nuclear heteromorphism.The cancer tissue was necrotic and mitotic.The cancer tissue invaded the right oviduct.The ipsilateral oviduct also had an adenomatoid tumor.The adenomatoid tumor was arranged in microcapsules lined with flat or cubic cells that were surrounded by smooth muscle tissue.The adenomatoid tumor cells were round in shape.CONCLUSION Clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium can invade the oviduct and occur simultaneously with tubal adenomatoid tumors.Upon pathological diagnosis,one should pay close attention to distinguishing whether an endometrial clear cell carcinoma is invading the oviduct or whether it is accompanied by an adenomatoid tumor of the oviduct.Immunohistochemistry is helpful to differentiate these two disease entities.Endometrial clear cell carcinomas express Napsin-A and P16 and are negative for estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor.The presence of endometrial clear cell carcinoma does not affect the expression of CK and calretinin in adenomatoid tumors.