
基于语音控制的智能加湿器 被引量:2

Intelligent humidifier based on voice control
摘要 在快节奏的现代生活中,空气污染严重。加湿器的使用则能够有效地改善环境湿度,其雾化作用释放的负氧离子有利于人们身心健康,尤其在矿区尤为重要。但目前加湿器的功能较为单一,不能满足双手忙于工作时自如控制加湿器工作状态的需求。因此本文利用STM32为核心处理单元,选择基于LD3320的语音识别模块和基于SYN6288的语音合成模块的语音控制技术作为控制方式,设计一个更实用、更便捷的智能加湿器。在自动模式下,DHT11温湿度传感器用于采集环境湿度,采集的信息在经过MCU处理后显示在OLED。如果当前空气湿度小于设定值且水位达标时,加湿器就开始加湿,并持续加湿到设定湿度则停止加湿。当加湿器的水位过低时,发出语音警告。在人工模式下,加湿的开启与停止可以通过语音进行控制。测试结果表明所设计的加湿器性能稳定,语音识别率高,有较好的应用前景。 In the fast-paced modern life,air pollution is serious.The use of humidifier can effectively improve the environmental humidity,and its release of negative oxygen ions based on atomization is fit for people’s physical and mental health.However,at present,the function of humidifier is relatively simple.This paper uses STM32 as the core processing unit,chooses speech recognition module based on LD3320 and speech control technology based on SYN6288 as the control mode,and designs a more practical and convenient intelligent humidifier.In the automatic mode,DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor is used to collect environmental humidity,and the collected information is displayed in OLED after MCU processing.If the current air humidity is less than the set value and the water level reaches the standard,the humidifier begins to humidify till stopping humidifying.A voice warning is issued when the water level of the humidifier is too low.In manual mode,humidification can be started and stopped by voice control.The test results show that the designed humidifier has stable performance,high speech recognition rate and good application prospect.
作者 江福椿 冯陈伟 陈烨兰 Jiang Fuchun;Feng Chenwei;Chen Yelan(School of Optoelectronics and communication engineering,Xiamen Institute of technology,Xiamen Fujian,361005)
出处 《电子测试》 2020年第23期23-24,13,共3页 Electronic Test
基金 厦门理工学院“科研攀登计划”项目(XPDKT19006) 厦门理工学院高层次人才项目(YKJ17021R)。
关键词 加湿器 语音控制 MCU单片机 传感器 空气雾化 Humidifier Voice control MCU microcontroller sensor Air atomizing
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