以近10年Web of science SCI-E和SSCI数据库的414篇教师培训绩效评价文献为研究对象,通过文献计量法、词频分析法、知识图谱等方法,梳理了教师培训绩效评价研究发文量,分析了研究知识基础与前沿、研究热点,得出以下结论:研究发文章量呈现平缓式上升趋势;知识基础来源于理论研究与实践研究成果,其内容包括:评价的目的、评价模型的选择、评价指标选取、评价权重的设计、评价主体的选择、评价的反馈;教师培训绩效评价的研究热点依次是绩效、教育、教师、学生、技术、反馈、孩子、观念等等。并进一步归纳出国外研究的特点:对教师培训绩效评价的研究不丰富;注重绩效评价研究的规范;注重理论研究与实证研究。
In recent 10 years,414 papers on teacher training performance evaluation from SCI-E and SSCI databases on the Web of Science are taken as the research object.Through the methods of bibliometric analysis,word frequency analysis and knowledge mapping,this paper sorts out the research volume of teacher training performance evaluation,analyzes the research knowledge base,frontier and research hotspot,and draws the following conclusions:the number of research articles shows a gentle upward trend;the knowledge base comes from theoretical research and practical research which includes the purpose of evaluation,the selection of evaluation model,the selection of evaluation index,the design of evaluation weighted value,the selection of evaluation subject,and the feedback of evaluation;the research hotspots of teacher training performance evaluation(performance,education,teachers,students,technology,feedback,children,ideology,etc.).And this paper further sums up the characteristics of the foreign research:the research on teacher training performance evaluation is not rich;the research focuses on the norms of performance evaluation research;the research attaches importance on theoretical research and empirical research.
CHEN Dong(Physical Education College of Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China)
Journal of Ningbo Institute of Education