1Piburn, M., Sawada, D., Turley, J., Falconer, K., Benford, R., Bloom, I.,& Judson, E. (2000). Reformed teaching observation protocol (RTOP) = Reference manual ( ACEPT Technical Report No. INOO- 3). Tempe, AZ: Arizona Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers. (Eric Document Reproduction Service, El) 447 205. ). 被引量:1
2Margaret,R. ,Sherry, A. , Jason, W. , Victor, D. , Leonard, A. & Ellen, M... Is Inquiry Possible in Light of Accountability?: A Quantitative Comparison of the Relative Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry and Veri? cation Laboratory Instruction. Published online 11 March 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www. interscience, wiley, com). 被引量:1
3Bartiromo, T. , & Etkina, E. : Implementing Reform: Teachers" Beliefs about Students and the Curriculum. CP1 179, 2009 Physics Education Research Conference. 被引量:1
4Maclsaac, D. & Falconer, K. : Reforming Physics Instruction Via RTOP. THE PHYSICS TEACHER. Vol. 40, November 2002. 被引量:1
5A bibliography of the many standards and calls for reform used to create the RTOP is found at http:// physicsed.buffalostate.edu/AZTEC/RTOP/RTOP_full/index. htm; click"Resources". 被引量:1
6Committee on Science Education K-12 and the Mathematical Sciences Education Board, Designing Mathematics or Science Curriculum Programs: A Guide for Using Mathematics and Science Education Standards ( National Academy Press ), Washington, DC, 1999, p. 3; http ://books. nap. edu/books/0309065275/html/. 被引量:1
7ACEPT is described at http://ecept.net. ACEPT has been supplanted by more recent and larger AZTEC; see http://physicsed.buffalostate.edu/AZTEC/RTOP/RTOP_ full/index.htm/. 被引量:1
8S. Wyckoff, "Changing the culture of undergraduate science teaching, " J Coll. Sci. Teach. 30, 306-312 (Feb. 2001).Describes ACEPT, limited value of lecture in teaching physics, and interactive of engagement. 被引量:1
9M. Piburn, D. Sawada, K. Falconer, J. Turley, R. Benford, and I. Bloom. Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RToP). ACEPT IN-003. (ACEPT, 2000). The RTOP rubric form, training, and statistical reference manuals, are available from http://physicsed. buffalostate.edu/AZTEC/RTOP/RTOP_full/index.htm. 被引量:1
10A.E.Lawson et al., "Reforming and evaluating college science and mathematics instruction: Reformed teaching improves student achievement,"J.Coll.Sci.Teach. 31, 388-393 (March/April 2002). 被引量:1