
国际视野下现代学徒制学习过程研究 被引量:1

A Review on the Learning Process of Modern Apprenticeship from an International Perspective
摘要 从外部视角看,现代学徒制都有一个外在的组织形式,包括其运行机制、人才培养模式、机构间的合作关系等;而从内部视角看,现代学徒制是一种学习形式,有其特有的学习过程。文章在学者们提出的学习理论的基础上,结合美国、新西兰、荷兰等国家学者们的研究案例,依照互动、内容、动机三个维度对现代学徒制的学习过程进行研究,并结合我国现行学徒制的情况,探讨我国现代学徒制学习过程中存在的问题以及解决措施。结果显示,当前我国现代学徒制学习过程中存在师徒互动水平低、学校教育内容与工作关联度低、学徒合法权益得不到保障等,因此,亟需建立师带徒激励机制,加强校企之间深层次合作,制定现代学徒制的政策法规。 The purpose of this literature review aims to study the learning process of the modern apprenticeship from the perspective of a learning mode and discusses the obstacles that affect the learning process of the modern apprenticeship in China currently.On the basis of the study theory put forward by scholars, the review combines the research cases of scholars in newzealand, Netherlands and other countries and shows that the learning process of modern apprenticeship includes three dimensions: interaction, content and incentive. The three dimensions are closely connected and influence each other. However, there are some problems hindering the learning process of modern apprenticeship in China: the quality of mentoring is not good enough and the teaching in schools is too theoretical and has rare relevance to the work. Therefore, the design and implementation of the apprenticeship programs should make the learning of interaction,content and motivation adapt to each other.
作者 陈欣欣 陈文浩 王运锋 CHEN Xin-xin;CHEN Wen-hao;WANG Yun-feng(Kyungpook National University,Daegu 41566,South Korea;Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou Guangdong 521000,China)
出处 《职业教育研究》 2020年第11期4-11,共8页 Vocational Education Research
关键词 现代学徒制 学习过程 互动维度 内容维度 动机维度 modern apprenticeship learning process interaction content incentive
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