

Difficult Breakthrough of Defense Films in the Dilemma——A Discussion about the Banned Film Soaring Aspiration
摘要 1936年底,由新华影业公司出品的《壮志凌云》在经历上海租界工部局的禁映和重审风波后终于化险为夷,获准在上海金城大戏院首映。这部被新华影业公司寄予厚望的"有声革命巨片"不负众望,以其宏大的艺术野心和过硬的制作质量,成为非常时期中国影坛"国防电影"的标志性作品。面对外敌入侵、国将不国的残酷现实,编导吴永刚难忍心中郁积的愤怒与苦闷,他借助一个大众皆能心领神会的"农民保家守土"的血泪故事,向人们发出了"拒盗抗敌"的强烈呼吁,但影片被迫采取的隐晦艺术表达及其上映前后遭遇的禁映风波,则成为彼时国防电影处境的真实写照。 At the end of 1936, Soaring Aspiration, a film produced by Xinhua Pictures, was allowed to premiere at Shanghai’s Jincheng Grand Theater after being banned and retried by the Shanghai Concession Industry Bureau. The "sound revolution blockbuster", which Xinhua Pictures had placed high hopes on, lived up to the expectations. With the director’s great artistic ambition and its excellent production quality, the film became the landmark work of "national defense films" in Chinese film industry in a period of emergence. Facing the harsh reality of foreign invasion and with the existence of the country at stake, Director Wu Yonggang could not bear his smoldered anger and anguish. Therefore, he made a strong appeal to the people to "resist theft and resist the enemy" through a heroic story which the public could fully understand. However, the obscure artistic expressions which the film was forced to adopt and the disturbance of its being banned before its release became a true portrayal of the unfavorable situation of defense films at that time.
作者 张新英 Zhang Xinying(School of Journalism and Communication,Shandong Normal University,Jinan Shandong,250014)
出处 《山东师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期145-156,共12页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“早期中国电影史再研究”(15FYS008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 国防电影 《壮志凌云》 禁映 家国隐喻 吴永刚 左翼电影 defense films Soaring Aspiration banned films national metaphor Wu rong gang Left-wing films
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