

Analysis of Clinical Features and Risk Factors of Heart Failure in Elderly Critically Ill Patients
摘要 目的探究危重症老年患者心衰的发病率及特征,并分析其相关影响因素。方法此次研究时间范围为2018年1月至2020年1月,回顾性分析我院收治危重症老年患者110例作为研究目标,分析患者临床相关资料,统计心衰发病率,分析患者疾病特征,同时进行多因素分析,筛查引起老年危重症患者心衰的危险因素。结果经统计,110例危重症老年患者中,心衰患者30例,占比27.27%,其中心衰患者年龄相比无心衰患者较高,且左室射血分数<50%患者占比较高,分析因素发现,冠心病、糖尿病、瓣膜性心脏病、肾功能不全、急诊手术均为危重症老年患者诱发心衰的危险因素。结论对于老年危重症患者来讲,诱发心衰因素较多,应做好方法对策,以便确保患者健康。 Objective Explore the incidence and characteristics of heart failure in critically ill elderly patients,and analyze the related influencing factors.Methods The study time range is from January 2018 to January 2020.A retrospective analysis of 110 cases of critically ill elderly patients in our hospital was taken as the research goal.The clinical data of patients were analyzed.The incidence of heart failure was counted.The characteristics of patients were analyzed.Multi-factor analysis was conducted to screen for risk factors for heart failure in elderly critically ill patients.Results According to statistics,among the 110 critically ill elderly patients,30 patients with heart failure accounted for 27.27%.The age of patients with central failure was higher than that of patients without heart failure,and the patients with left ventricular ejection fraction<50%accounted for a higher proportion Analysis of factors found that coronary heart disease,diabetes,valvular heart disease,renal insufficiency,and emergency surgery are all risk factors for heart failure in elderly patients with critical illness.Conclusion For elderly critically ill patients,there are many factors that induce heart failure,and measures should be taken to ensure the health of patients.
作者 蔡若琳 林文练 程建民 CAI Ruo-lin;LIN Wen-lian;CHENG Jian-min(The Second People's Hospital of Shanwei,Shanwei,Guangdong 516600)
出处 《智慧健康》 2020年第22期146-148,共3页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 老年危重症 心衰 发病特征 危险因素 Elderly critical illness Heart failure Morbidity characteristics Risk factors
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