《建筑设计防火规范(2018年版):GB 50016-2014》明确了在满足一定条件的情况下,允许借用安全出口,但没有关于共用安全出口的具体要求。采用FDS火灾模拟软件,对比分析火灾情况下,共用安全出口和借用安全出口对人员安全疏散的影响。结果表明火灾情况下,共用安全出口的安全性低于借用安全出口,如必须采用共用安全出口,则各防火分区应独立设置楼梯间前室,确保火灾情况下人员能安全疏散。
The design that one fire compartment borrows the safety exit from the other is allowed in Code for fire prevention design of buildings.But there is no clear if it’s available to design the safety exit shared by two fire compartments.FDS fire simulation software is used to compare and analyze the effect of shared safety exit and borrowed safety exit.The results show that the safety of the shared safety exit is lower than that of the borrowed safety exit in case of fire.If the shared safety exit must be designed,the fire compartments should design the stairway antechamber independently to ensure the safe evacuation of people in case of fire.
Zhang Tingting;Wu Binbin;Zhang Longmei(Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research Group Co.,Ltd.Guangzhou 510500,China;Guangdong Construction Engineering Quality&Safety Testing Head Station Co.,Ltd.Guangzhou 510500,China;Shenzhen Urban Public Safety and Technology Institute Shenzhen 518046,China)
Guangdong Architecture Civil Engineering